SQL Server on Linux

  • My reaction is: Meh

    This is basically a Azure/Cloud play for enterprises already committed to SQL Server. It has nothing for those wary of the high licensing costs, nor OSS proponents that dislike or are disinterested in Microsoft's offerings. It also subtlety discourages use of Windows and increases mistrust of Microsoft.

  • mjh 45389 (3/24/2016)

    I will watch events with interest having used both SQL Server and a number of other RDBMSs under various Linuxes (and some Unixes) over the past few decades. My main concern is the endless flavours of Linux. We use both SQL Server and another RDBMS. Recently I had an issue and was told "We don't support the Linux you are using but we do support xxx'. The problem is one large application does not render correctly under xxx which is why we do not use it! BTW of the Linuxes I have used the only one I regarded as a stable mature product was Redhat...

    I keep get shouted down for saying this but it is just like the Unix fragmentation before it that ironically lead to the popularity of Linux. :blink:


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

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