SQL Server on Virtual Server ?

  • Hi,

    re: mssql 2005

    Our organization has been utilizing virtual server for development databases for about a year, and are looking at implementing same strategy for production db instnaces.

    Any thoughts, links, pros/cons about PROD dbs running on virtual vs dedicated server class boxes?

    Many thanks. Jeff

  • I/O, I/O,...I/O .... Did I mentioned I/O ?

    As long as you can handle I/O rate you should be fine.

    I have used it for development/test/QA in the past and there have been no issues but I have to admit that the load on those had nothing to do with the Production Environment.

    * Noel

  • Some people have had good luck with it. Some have not.

    I have had some bad experiences with it on a few development servers. Problems with low-level issues like the virtual drives reporting back data had been written before it actually was and issues with virtual network adaptors. These were all with VMWare.

    Because of these issue, I have never had enough confidence to use virtualization in a production environment. Hyper-V is enticing me because it turns into a single-vendor solution so I would not have to deal with the MS / VMWAre finger pointing I had to deal with in the past.

    Support is a bit of an issue. MS supports SQL on virtualized hardware only at certain support contract levels and reserves the right to tell you to move to physical hardware for troubleshooting an issue if they suspect that the virtualization layer is causing the problem. They also have a very limited list of approved virtualization vendors (just 1 the last time I looked).

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