SQL Server Ranking Functions

  • Thanks Wayne, I had been meaning to investigate the ranking/window functions but hadn't gotten the time yet. Your article with the clear examples made it a cinch to understand the differences.

  • WayneS (4/20/2010)

    SW_Lindsay (4/20/2010)

    Nice and helpful article - Thanks. Just Curious...

    To select eligible candidates in the first select you say

    select * from @Candidates where MeetsEligibility = convert(bit,1);

    Why do you convert the 1 into a bit? just saying 1 works. I know that the data type for MeetsEligibility is a bit and I'm just curious if there are efficiencies is converting explicitly like this or is it just a readability thing?


    Avoiding an "Implicit conversion". The literal 1 is an integer, resulting in the underlying field being converted to an integer to do the match... if there is an index on this field, it won't be used. Converting the 1 to a bit avoids the implicit conversion, and allows use of an index if one is present.

    Personally, I wish there were system variables @@True and @@False of datatype bit, set to 1/0 respectively.

    You can use 'TRUE' and 'FALSE' as quoted strings - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms177603.aspx

    Your implicit conversion comment is incorrect - as I understand it, the column is treated like any exact numeric from a query perspective. An index will be used if appropriate. That will primarily be determined by whether other non-columns are required (as in your example) and by the selectivity of the index.


  • matt stockham (4/20/2010)

    You can use 'TRUE' and 'FALSE' as quoted strings - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms177603.aspx

    I didn't know this... just tried it out, and it does work.

    Your implicit conversion comment is incorrect - as I understand it, the column is treated like any exact numeric from a query perspective. An index will be used if appropriate. That will primarily be determined by whether other non-columns are required (as in your example) and by the selectivity of the index.


    I could have sworn that I had seen this happen before, but I can't duplicate it. Using 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 1, 0, or a 1/0 cast into an int variable all are producing an index seek for me, so I guess it isn't necessary.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • matt stockham (4/20/2010)

    You can use 'TRUE' and 'FALSE' as quoted strings - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms177603.aspx


    Thanks for some reason I never saw that, I think that will help make some code more readable.

  • Thanks to all this is why I subscibe to learn something and I learned a lot from this article and subsequent discussion.


  • I have seen Row number used in several occasions and always struggled to understand it. This article is very clear and practical. I expect to start using these functions soon. Thanks.

  • Good article.

    I've become very fond or ROW_NUMBER() lately, it's an efficient way of doing what I need to do for a large report.

  • Very interesting article. I haven't used some of the fuctions, but I will try to use them now...

  • Wonderful article WayneS.. a great read.. taught me new things about Ranking... Thanks 🙂

  • Loved it! New features like ranking functions tend to be underutilized, since people prefer to stick with true and tried. Articles like this one, really clarify things and help us start using these features.

  • Great article. Well written. Thank you, sir.

  • I'm a little late on the feedback after the formatting fix and I apologize for that. VERY nicely done, Wayne. This will help a lot of folks just getting into Windowing functions.

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  • Nice article, nice simple examples. Well done, Wayne.


  • Thanks Tom, I'm glad that you liked it.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • THANK YOU for such an excellent clarification of something that is very confusing to newbies like myself. Exceptionally well done. Much appreciated!

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