SQL Server Registration

  • I have a Remote SQL server and a Local server, i was able to register the remote server.

    Now what happend is, the default port of Remote server 1433 is changed to 2433.

    Do i need to do any changes in my LOcal server (Server Network Utility , Client Network Utitlity) to connect to Remote server. Thing is that some times it is connecting but not always.


    please suggest


  • If it's set to 2433, that means someone likely set it to hide the server. Not a big deal. Yes, when making the connection, you should specify the port. How are you making the connection? Linked server connection?


    K. Brian Kelley

  • Bkelley,

    I am making the connection through EnterPrise Manager,

    Enterprise Manager ----->Microsoft SQL Servers ---->SQL Server Group

    then right click  and select New SQL Server Registration

  • Either create an alias using Client Network Utility or register the server as <server name>,2433 and that should work.


    K. Brian Kelley

  • I created an Alias in my local machine (Microsoft Sqlserver -->Client Network Utility-->Alias) i gave the following details

    Local Machine


    TCP / IP is selected

    Server Alias : Serv1

    Server Name : x.x.x.x (IP of the remote server)

    Dynamically Determine Port : Unchecked, and port numer is specified as 2433

    Remote Server


    In the Remote Server , Server Network Utility

    Only TCP/IP is enabled.

    TCP/IP Default port is 2433

    If i try to connect from EM, with the alias Serv1, it is giving the error : Server Does not exist or Acces denied..


    i tried changing the server port with 109,21,443,8080,80 etc.both on Remote server and Local Server..

    Still the same trouble

    I am able to reach the remote server through http (port 80) and ftp (port 21 and 443)




  • Is this remote server hosted and/or out of your control? Behind a firewall, etc?


    K. Brian Kelley

  • If you can connect on certain ports and not others, some type of packet filtering is occurring. Most likely a firewall.

  • Yes it is behind the firewall, The remote server is under my control, but Network  and Firewall is handling  another team of engineers.

    What my aim is, i should be able to register Remote SQL server without changing those network settings...

    I know some ports are opened in the network like 80 (HTTP),443 (SSL),109 (POP)

    out of these only HTTP (80) is used by other users .

    443 and 109 is enabled but nobody is using, can i make use of 443 or 109 ?

  • It's probably a better solution to coordinate with the other team of engineers for a specific port other than 80, 109, or 443. For that matter, other than 1433 as well. That way they can ensure ACLs are in place to restrict what IP addresses can access the SQL Server, etc.


    K. Brian Kelley

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