SQL Server Run-Time Error in MSDE Release A installed in Windows XP Pro/Microsoft NT 4 LAN System

  • Hi all,

    I downloaded and installed Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) Release A to the C:\ Drive of my Windows XP Pro PC that is built on Microsoft NT 4 LAN System. I used Access 2003 VBA program to execute the attached code. I got a Run-Time error '2147467259(80004005): [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen(Connect()).] SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

                     |End|    |Debug|    |Help|

    I clicked on |Debug| and "cnn1.Open str1" was highted in yellow.  Please help and tell me what is wrong in my coding and how to correct the problem.

    Thanks in advance,

    Scott  Chang


    Sub OpenMySQLDB()

    Dim cnn1 As Connection

    Dim rst1 As Recordset

    Dim str1 As String

    'Create a Connection object after instantiating it,

    'this time to a SQL Server database.

    Set cnn1 = New ADODB.Connection

    str1 = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=CabSony1;" & _

        "Initial Catalog=NorthwindCS;User Id=sa;Password=password;"

    cnn1.Open str1

    'Create recordset reference, and set its properties.

    Set rst1 = New ADODB.Recordset

    rst1.CursorType = adOpenKeyset

    rst1.LockType = adLockOptimistic

    'Open recordset, and print a test record.

    rst1.Open "Customers", cnn1

    Debug.Print rst1.Fields(0).Value, rst1.Fields(1).Value

    'Clean up objects.



    Set rst1 = Nothing

    Set cnn1 = Nothing

    End Sub

  • Is the server service started?

    What is the autenthication mode?

    Are you sure you have the correct login/password for that database?

  • Hi Remi, Thanks for your response.

    I am new in this SQL Server thing. I do not know what you mean in the first two questions!!!???  Please be more specific in re-phrasing them. I have very low security set-up in my Access 2003. So the login/password for the database is not a problem. Please help and respond again.


    Scott  Chang



  • 1 - Is sql server started (can you access any of the tables, views)??

    2 - Open enterprise manager, right click on the server (assuming it's stared), properties / security /

    What is the option there (windows only or windows+sql server)

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