SQL Server shutdown on a cluster

  • I have SQL Server 2014 running on a Windows 2012R2 2 node cluster. We are moving to a new storage array and have to shut down SQL services while this is done. I am unsure as to the best way to approach this.

    Through the failover cluster manager do I

    1.       Stop the instance role

    2.       For the instance take the SQL Server and SQL Server Agent resources offline

    Also, do I need to uncheck auto restart SQL Server and SQL Server Agent from SSMS Agent properties

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • If SQL is clustered, ALWAYS use the cluster manager to start/stop SQL (take the resource offline/bring the resource online).  Also, if you take SQL offline the SQL Agent will be stopped as well if everything is setup correctly (dependencies).

  • Assuming an AlwaysON environment.

    1. Pause any synchronization between nodes by Stopping secondary node.

    2. Shutdown seconday node

    3. Shutdown Primary node

    4. Do the changes to storage

    5. Bring Primary node online

    6. Bring decondary node online

    7. Resynchronize

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