Sql Server SP to Access

  • I think he means 're-create in Access, the sp I currently have in SQL Server'

    Anyway, if so, we need to know what's in the original sp.  If it's a simple query, it may be OK (unlikely) - most likely, as James said, he'll have to use queries and VBA.



  • It might be a good idea to post the SP you are trying to recreate, so someone could suggest a workaround.  But there is no such thing as a true stored procedure in Access.  Usually you would need to use a parameterized query or you could build a SQL statement on the fly.

    Dick Schroth



  • Ahh the joy of guessing ... we will never know what he actually wanted? ... unless the poster replies back

    * Noel

  • Still valid point .

    Guess we'll never know.

  • Probably the Access feature that's most analogous to a stored procedure is the Module object.  If I were in your shoes, I'd do some research into Access modules and see whether they would do what I needed.

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