SQL Server2000 Connection issue

  • Hi,

    I am trying to connect to one of our MS SQL 2000 server from my local PC SSMS and it gives me an error message as :

    cannot generate sspi context. (Microsoft SQL Server)

    This server, I was able to connect previously but not sure what happened, all the windows authentication users are getting the same error.

    When I logon to the server remotely and saw that the SQL Services are running and I am able to open the enterpirse manager.

    I looked at the microsoft forum about this issue but I am not able to fix it.

    The microsoft forum : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/811889

    I know its something to do with the windows security for this application.

    Can anyone help me to solve this issue.

    The server is on WIndows 2003 with SP1

    and SQL Server : 2000 with SP4

    Thanks in advance,


  • Please help me if anyone has any solution for this issue.


  • Sree,

    Check this: http://blogs.msdn.com/sql_protocols/archive/2005/10/15/481297.aspx

    Apart check,

    once I got this error because of mismatch of time/clock between client and server machines. Also, once Windows account password was changed and I was using for integrated security. I rebooted my client machine after password sync with AD worked fine.

    SQL DBA.

  • Thanks for your reply Sanjay

    There is no difference in the time/clock in the client and server machines. I will look into the link further to troubleshoot.

    I will post the updates after going with the forum you have provided.



  • sree (7/24/2009)


    I am trying to connect to one of our MS SQL 2000 server from my local PC SSMS and it gives me an error message as :

    cannot generate sspi context. (Microsoft SQL Server)

    This server, I was able to connect previously but not sure what happened, all the windows authentication users are getting the same error.

    When I logon to the server remotely and saw that the SQL Services are running and I am able to open the enterpirse manager.

    I looked at the microsoft forum about this issue but I am not able to fix it.

    The microsoft forum : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/811889

    I know its something to do with the windows security for this application.

    Can anyone help me to solve this issue.

    The server is on WIndows 2003 with SP1

    and SQL Server : 2000 with SP4

    Thanks in advance,


    I have come across this issue quite a while ago now but it had something to do with domain account under which sql erver instance was running.

    1. does your sql server run under domain account?

    2. did you change the doamin account using which you sql server starts?


    Vivek Shukla - MCTS SQL Server 2008

  • also the account under which sql server is running does that have sufficient rights?

    Vivek Shukla - MCTS SQL Server 2008

  • sorry for keep adding single posts but i've just thought of something else.

    did you change sql server service accounts password?

    if yes then did you restart sql server after that?

    Vivek Shukla - MCTS SQL Server 2008

  • Hi Vivek,

    Thanks for your reply.

    We use the domain account for the sql server and there was no password change for this account.

    I have restarted the SQL Server but still no improvement.

    Actually, it was running fine but someone from our server team has upgraded Tivoli Manager from version 4 to 5.5 version and rebooted the server.

    Once they rebooted for some reason the sql services didnt start automatically.

    When I checked on the server I was getting an error saying :

    Error: this application has failed to start because msvcr71.dll was not found

    I got a forum from IBM for this issue, the forum link : http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21307083

    This is exactly the same happened on our server what this forum explains and I have to replace the 4 dll files and then restart the Sql Services.

    After restarting everything was looking fine until next day when one of my co-worker informed me that he cannot connect to this server from his local SSMS and it was giving the SSPI error message.

    When I checked at my pc, I was also facing the same situation and from this I got one thing that all the Windows account logins are getting the same error if they try to connect from their local PC.

    I guess I have explained clearly what exactly happened

    If anyone can give me any solutioon for this, that would be great

    Thanks !!!!

  • sree (7/31/2009)

    Hi Vivek,

    Actually, it was running fine but someone from our server team has upgraded Tivoli Manager from version 4 to 5.5 version and rebooted the server.

    Once they rebooted for some reason the sql services didnt start automatically.

    When I checked on the server I was getting an error saying :

    Error: this application has failed to start because msvcr71.dll was not found

    I got a forum from IBM for this issue, the forum link : http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21307083

    This is exactly the same happened on our server what this forum explains and I have to replace the 4 dll files and then restart the Sql Services.

    humm, very strange!!!! It is very diffucult to guess what could have gone wrong from this end.

    I'd say it is porbably a good idea to write to IBM regarding this if you have followed all pre-installation requirements that they have metioned in their article.

    Vivek Shukla - MCTS SQL Server 2008

  • Please post any error message logged in event viewer/sql server error logs.

    Post the full error message that you get when you try to connect.


  • Hi,

    Here are the error messages :

    When I try to connect from my machine, the error message is :

    Cannot generate SSPI Context. (Microsoft SQL Server)

    The EventViewer and errorlog messages :

    18452 :

    Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

  • oops forgot to mention..the server is in mixed authentication and I have adminstrator previlages on the server.

    I am not sure where exactly the security settings are going worng.

    Thanks for all your replies.

  • sorry haven't read all the answers but I have cameacross that in the past and it was DNS issues,once I had sorted that my sql issue was resolved,hope this helps

  • Hi

    sorry haven't had time to read all repiles but I came across this problem in the past and it was down to DNS issues,once I had cleared that my sql connections ran fine.

    Hope this helps

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