SQL Service and Agen Service - Fails due to login failure

  • I have a weird problem. I have a couple of SQL 2005 and 2008 servers that when I try to cycle the service, SQL or Agent, it comes back saying login failure. So I manually punch in the same credentials in the service property and start the service it works. But later if I decide to cycle the service again it comes back with login failure.

    It runs using domain credentials and those credentials are in the Administrators group of the server.

    Any ideas?

  • Don't change the login properties using the services applet. Use SQL Server Configuration Manager which will make sure the changes are made to all of the appropriate locations.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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  • Hmm...

    I'll try that.


  • This get's weirder and weirder. I did waht you suggested. I went to the SQL Server Configuration Manager and put in the correct credentials and I hit "Apply" and I get the error message "The service did not start due to logon failure. [0x8007042d]". But if I change the credentials in the services.mmc it restarts.

    Any ideas?


  • Verify the settings on the AD account - make sure the password is not getting reset or the account is not getting locked out.

    The account could be getting locked if there are multiple attempts to connect with a bad password.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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  • One other thing is that I try to go to the Loacl Security Policy mmc and drill down to "Log on as a service" and the buttons to add or remove are greyed out.

    Whats the deal Oatmeal?


  • The AD account is not getting locked out. I can authenticate with the credentials fine on one server and I can manually retype in the credentails from the services mmc and start the service fine. But in a few days, if I have to cycle the service (this is all testing), it again retirns the login failure message and I have to do it all over again. Ditto if I have to reboot. It looks like for some strange reason that it is losong the "Logon as service" policy. Hell, I can't even change that policy. See previous reply.

  • Maybe a group policy for that server is causing the problem?

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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  • I'll check with the AD guys...

  • Yup, that was it. The servers machine account was in the wrong OU that refreshed the policy. I had the AD guys move it to the correct OU and it should work now. I'll repost if it keeps happening but I think this is the fix.


  • Thanks for the feedback - I hope that was the problem and that it is now fixed.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • Warren,

    Did you fix the problem you were having. I am having the same problem right now and i cant seem to fix it. The SQL server is in a different OU but with no policy applied to it. So i am not sure why it is doing that. Your same problems that you had with sql is what i am dealing with right now. Please let me know or if anyone else have any suggestions!!! Thanks

  • Try changing to a completely different account (through the configuration manager), apply, and then change it back to the original credentials.

    Greg E

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