SQL Statement

  • Could someone please help since I'm in dark now.  I have a query result like this:

    Item       Day        Inhand          Demand        EndingBal         Ind

    A             0               50                    0                     50                  1

    A             1               20                    0                     0                     2  

    A             2                0                     0                     0                     3

    B             0               10                    0                     10                   4

    B             1               10                    0                     0                     5

    B             2                0                      0                    0                     6

    I want to calculate the endingbal:

    EndingBal = EndingBal+Inhand-Demand

    I write a statement like this:

    SELECT item,day, demand,

    isnull((select sum(Endingbal)    

    from mytable a where a.item=b.item

    and a.idx<b.idx),0)+isnull(inhand,0)-isnull((select sum(demand)        

    from mytable a where a.item=b.item

    and a.idx<=b.idx ),0) as EndBal, idx

    FROM mytable b

    The above statement gave me this:

    Item       Day        Inhand          Demand        EndingBal         Ind

    A             0               50                    0                     50                  1

    A             1               20                    0                     70                  2  

    A             2                0                     0                     50                  3

    B             0               10                    0                     10                  4

    B             1               10                    0                     20                  5

    B             2                0                     0                     10                  6

    It calculated the endingbal forward incorrectly, and I don't know what I did wrong.  Please advice.  Thanks for million.

    Minh Vu



  • Sorry, I don't understand exactly your question... but why do you not use a function?

    If you explan me you question, maybe I could help you. I don't understand how you obtain EndingBal...

    EndingBal = EndingBal+Inhand-Demand



  • I tried to achieve the result that looks like this:

    Item       Day        Inhand          Demand        EndingBal         Ind

    A             0               50                    0                     50                  1

    A             1               20                    0                     70                  2  

    A             2                0                     0                     70                  3

    B             0               10                    0                     10                  4

    B             1               10                    0                     20                  5

    B             2                0                    10                    10                  6

    I want to calculate my endingBal.

    Endingbal= previous record's endingbal+current record's inhand-current record's demand.

    I don't know how to write a loop that can help me  to update the endingbal field as I process each record.  Thus each day will have to be a separate select statement until the end of the result set. Thanks


  • create table mytable

    ( item char(1) ,  day int , inhand int , demand int , endingbal int, ind int identity (1,1 )   )


    insert mytable

    select 'A',0 , 50,  0, 0

    insert mytable

    select 'A',1 , 20,  0, 0

    insert mytable

    select 'A',2 , 0,   0, 0

    insert mytable

    select 'B',0 , 10,  0, 0

    insert mytable

    select 'B',1 , 10,  0, 0

    insert mytable

    select 'B',2 , 0,  10, 0


    select item, day , inhand ,  demand , endingbal = (select sum ( a.inhand  - a.demand )  from mytable a where a.item = b.item and a.ind<=b.ind  )

    , ind

    from mytable b



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  • Hi Amit,

    That's terrific! I couldn't believe that it could be done.  I thought that I had to write a loop statement. Thank you very much.  It's exactly what I tried to achieve.   Before I read your solution, I rewrite my script to :

    SELECT item, day, inhand,demand,

    EndBal = endingBal+select sum(inhand)

    from mytable a where a.item=b.item

    and a.ind<=b.ind) -(select sum(demand)

    from #mytable  a where a.item=b.item

    and a.ind<=b.ind),0),  ind

    FROM mytable b

    This works 95% and I had to run an extra update statement to reset my endingbal to 0 if day =0, but yours works 100%.  Again, thank so much for such great way to solve the puzzle. 


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