SQL to do calc on different rows

  • Hi, all

    Is there any anylytical function in ss so I can achive result like belowo doing calculation on values from different rows?

    Thanks all for help, I'm sure it should be, I think there is one in oracle ,but I could not find in ss.

    Thanks all


    select * into #t1 from (

    select 'alpha' c1, 100 c2 union

    select 'bravo' c1, 120 c2 union

    select 'charlie' c1, 230 c2 union

    select 'delta' c1, 360 c2 union

    select 'whiskey' c1, 500 c2 ) b

    --delta1 = row2.c2 - row1.c1

    --delta2 = row2.c3 - row1.c2 etc..

    c1 | c2 | delta |

    alpha | 100 | 20 |

    bravo | 120 | 110 |

    charlie | 230 | 130 |

    delta | 360 | 140 |

    whiskey | 500 | 0 |

  • Use ROW_NUMBER().

    This is close, but not quite right...

    WITH SomeNumbers AS


    SELECT c1, c2,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY c1) AS RowNumber

    FROM #t1


    SELECT x.c1

    , x.c2

    , x.PrevC2

    , x.c2-COALESCE(x.PrevC2,0) AS Delta

    FROM (SELECT s1.c1

    , s1.c2

    -- , s1.RowNumber

    -- , s2.c1 As PrevC1

    , s2.c2 As PrevC2

    FROM SomeNumbers s1

    LEFT JOIN SomeNumbers s2 ON (s1.RowNumber=s2.RowNumber+1)) x;

    alpha 100 NULL 100

    bravo 120 100 20

    charlie 230 120 110

    delta 360 230 130

    whiskey 500 360 140

  • Thanks, pietlinden !!!!

    I got and idea



  • This gives you the output that you specified:

    with cte as


    Select c1, c2,

    Row_Number() over(ORDER BY c1) as RowNum

    from #t1


    Select c.c1, c.c2, Coalesce(n.c2-c.c2, 0) as delta

    from cte as c

    left outer join cte as p

    on c.RowNum = p.RowNum + 1

    left outer join cte as n

    on c.RowNum = N.RowNum - 1

    How to Post to get the most: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/



    ISNULL(nr.c2 - tr.c2,0)

    FROM #t1 tr


    SELECT TOP 1 *

    FROM #t1 ti

    WHERE ti.c1 > tr.c1

    ORDER BY ti.c1 ASC

    ) nr

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Oh, super cool! Guess I gotta read (and re-read) Paul's article until I understand APPLY, then...

  • To answer the original question, yes there is:

    SELECT c1, c2, delta = lead(c2, 1, c2) OVER (ORDER BY c1) - c2

    FROM #t1

    ORDER BY c2

    LEAD(c2, n) gives you the nth row ahead of the current one in the result set according to the OVER clause. When there is no row ahead, the third parameter gives you the default to use in place if NULL. The default for n is 1.

    A twin function is LAG which reaches backwards in the result set.

    However, LEAD and LAG are not in SQL 2008, they were added in SQL 2012.

    [font="Times New Roman"]Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, www.sommarskog.se[/font]

  • Thanks, Erland !

    That's exactly I was looking for


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