SQL2000 Services - What access do they need

  • Hi, I've recently read a number of articles about the amount of access the MSSQLServer and SQLAgent services should be configured with after a SQL2000 installation.  Most suggest using a domain account for each, restricting access as the account needn't be used for anything else and certainly ensuring the account is not a local administrator.

    I've done some testing and found that once I've installed SQL with an domain account with local admin rights, using SQL EM I can then change the startup account to another domain account which is not a local administrator nor has it any privileges to any of the SQL DB's incl msdb and master, it'll stop/start fine.

    The SQLAgent service however seems to have to be in the SQL sysadmin server role.  I've tried every other combination and although you can stop/start the service with lower privilges than sysadmin, jobs won't run unless its in sysadmin.

    I wondered what you guys have experienced and how you set yours up with minimum access.

    Thanks very much.

  • the domain account that starts and stops sql server service can be a regular domain account but must have access to all the sql server directories. I generally setup the sql agent the same way. That account should be added to the sysadmin role in sql server or you will have problems down the road.

  • Thanks for that Wesley

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