• Hi,

    We get databse request from developer for data fixes, DML scripts with number of rows going to insert/update/delete

    Currently we are just sending email to developer that script is executed with results having number of rows inserted/updated/deleted using SSMS

    But now, we need to send them the reults with the more details

    database name in which script ran

    User name

    Date and time

    number of rows inserted/updated/deleted

    if the row count matches with dbrequest, then issue COMMIT statement else isuse ROLLBACK statement.

    Can we achive this using SSMS or SQLCMD? Please advise.

    For example, I provide how we do in Oracle from sqlplus.

    Developer provided a scipt called Insert_TTP22.sql

    SQL> @show.sql



    08/09/2012 09:01:37






    DB1-DATAFIX>ed Insert_TTP22.sql


    Total Records inserted 22

    Total Records updated - 0

    Total Records deleted - 0

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    DB1- DATAFIX>commit;

    Commit complete.

    @show.sql have the below sql statements in it

    contentset sqlprompt"_connect_identifier- _user>"


    show user

    select name from v$database;

    I tried to execute show.sql file using sqlcmd but I'm getting the below error:

    C:\DBAScripts>sqlcmd -S sql1\ins1 -E

    1> @show

    2> go

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Server SQL1\INS1, Line 1

    Must declare the scalar variable "@show".


    This show.sql file has below t-sql statements

    select getdate()as DATE_TIME

    select db_name() as NAME

    select SYSTEM_USER as "USER IS"

  • Easy enough to do in SSMS but I haven't had much exposure to SQL CMD and running scripted files. Does it have to be done in one or the other specifically?


  • Does it have to be done in one or the other specifically

    No. I just wanted to know which tool is the best one (sqlcmd or ssms) to log the script results that I'm looking for.

    How to achieve this in ssms?

    Thanks for your response.

  • Is this something like what you're looking for?

    select getdate() as DATE_TIME

    select DB_NAME() as DB_NAME

    select SYSTEM_USER as Cur_USER

    begin transaction

    [insert statement]


    select @@ROWCOUNT as InsertedRows


  • how you guys do you datafixes in SQL Server?

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