SQLFTHNDLR. Error when querying image data type with extesnion .doc

  • I have a table with these columns:

    PK                     int, primary key

    _Image              image

    _Extension         varchar(10)

    I build a full-text-index on the image column binding with the extension column. My goal is to use query with contains the image column. I try to query this column if the extension is .txt or .htm but I cannot do that with .doc or .xls type, although in BooksOnline say it is posible to do that.

    When I start the full population in the image index I receive the following message in Enent Viewer.

    One or more documents stored in image columns with extension '.doc' did not get full-text indexed because loading the filter failed with error '0x1'.

    Note: These documents will not be passed to MSSearch for indexing, and therefore this failure will not be reflected in the end of crawl summary statistics.

    with the source  SQLFTHNDLR. Do you know what is about? Please help!

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