
  • Hi,


    I'm trying to install SQL 2005 Enterprise edition 64 bit, but it wont install the native client.

    It complains that it can't find sqlncli_x64.msi

    Has anyone had the same problem?



  • Nevermind it appears to have been a faulty disc

  • Hello

    I am developer one software. i am using NSIS for installation program. This msi is integrated in installation program and also install in every machine except 64 Bit operating system machine. When i am trying to install manually this msi then it is installed successfully but with my NSIS program it was not installed and not gives me any error message.

    I have give my msi code at below.

    File "D:\sqlmsi\sqlncli_X64.msi"

    execwait '"msiexec" /i "D:\sqlmsi\SMO64bit\sqlncli_X64.msi" /qn IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES /log D:\sqlmsi\test\SMOLOG_X64.TXT'

    This code is works with all machine except above machines.

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