SQLSERV.EXE eating up all memory

  • A recent tip in Smart Computing magazine suggested setting the swap file minimum and maximum to the same amount at about 2.5 x memory. This is to reserve the disk space to reduce fragmentation as well as overhead while the computer incr/decr file size.

    You may also want to try a program like MPower (http://www.mindbeat.com/) or Memokit (http://www.memokit4all.com) to reduce memory problems. I used to have a lot more lockups before I started using these (one each on different systems - either works great).



    Edited by - billnye101 on 05/30/2003 11:07:54 AM

  • I would definitely listen to Antares and Prab and set-up Profiler. You may need to do the "tweaks" for the memory but the real problem is the amount of data flying around. You may need to create some indexes OR delete some possibly modify the WHERE clauses to use indexes.

    Good Luck

    AJ Ahrens


    Revenue Assurance Management - AT&T

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


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