SQLServer Agent Output File

  • Hi Folks,

    Here is the error Im recieving

    Executed as user: Domain\Account. Warning: cannot write logfile c:\Log.txt. Writing to log files is only allowed to jobs that are owned by sysadmin. Please consider writing log to table. The step failed

    The above error is killing me. I dont want to give sysadmin rights to the account just because its need to write output of the job to a file.

    Is their any workaround other than giving admin rights?

    Any help is really appreciated.

  • Two things I can think of,

    1 - have a secondary job which is fired from the completion of Job 1, which pulls the information from the sysjobstepslogs table and runs as SA and outputs to the file system,

    2 - have a second step which runs under a proxy account which has access to dump to the file system, then use something like BCP to query sysjobstepslogs and dump it to a file on the filesystem.

  • Thanks Anthony. The reason I am looking for log file because SQL doesnt put complete log in table as it will be truncated after its limit.

  • the log column of sysjobstepslog is nvarchar(max) so can hold up to 2gb of data, so should be more than enough when logging to the table.

  • thanks

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