SQLServer Memory

  • we hosted a gaming website for which we are using SQL-Server 2005 workgroup edition and web site build is done by using .Net 2005

    The problem is the

    1) SQL-Server, i am using is occupying a large amount of RAM ,say 3.5GB of memory out of 4 GB ram

    2) when it occupies this amount of RAM my database is not working properly and some times dosen't respond

    3) when i refresh sqlservices, after refreshing the physical memory display is 700MB at this point my database works fine

    4)For Every 24 hours i should restart my SQLservices

    My HardWare Configuration is

    Xeon Processor

    4GB RAM

    400GB HardDisk

    SQL-Server 2005 WorkGroup

    Windows2003 Server R2

    please kindly provide a solution so that i can avoid the refresh of SQLServices

  • Please move the database to the another server/configure memory for sqlserver manually

    Kindest Regards,


  • We are using a dedicated server for SQL server. How to configure memory manually. If possible please explain it step wise.

  • This link may help in setting the max memeory usage of SQL Server


    Gethyn Elliswww.gethynellis.com

  • Go to your registered server;

    Right-click it and choose Properties;

    Select Memory folder;


    You would not miss it.

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