SQLServer service resources

  • HI All

    any thoughts would be great i've got a dell PE6600 quad xeon processors /5 gb ram this server only runs sql/analysis server / reporting server / iis with 30 db's ranging in size from 1 mb to 4 GB

    I have noticed in the task manager that the sqlserver service has consumed ram.

    when a query is run against a db the server becomes very slow even if its a simple query.

    the quad processors dont sem to be doing anything much whilst this happens!

    is there anyway to stop sql server to only use a certain amount of ram?

    any suggestion would be very helpful..



    Kindest Regards,

    Todd,non est vivere sed valere vita est

  • To avoid any wild stabs in the dark you'll need to provide a bit more detail about your issue. eg: definition of tables and their indexes. Query that is being run etc ...

    You're also running Analysis Services and Reporting Services which have there own memory requirements. What is the purpose of this server? Is it acting as a datawarehouse/reporting server, or are you trying to service both OLTP and DSS on the one server?

    Taking memory away from SQL will not make it run better, it might just make it worse. SQL Server will use as much RAM as needed to respond to client data requests in the most efficient manner. You have 5GB of ram and from the looks of it you have more than 5GB of data across 30 db's.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Let me take a wild guess ... you have taken and are presently executing the installation defaults for SQL Server, Analysis Server ... on multi-use and/or heavily hit servers this is not optimal. Before you get into schemas and other like information I'd suggest to perform a bit of memory configuration (it's easy and relatively strightforward to determine/monitor the effects).

    • Give SQL Server 2 Gb of RAM
    • Give Analysis Services 1 gb of RAM

    This leaves 2 Gb of RAM for IIS, RS and Windows to dynamically manage.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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