SQLServerCentral apologizes and you can win a book

  • There are numerous ways to generate a quick numbers table. I use this one.

    --Numbers table 1M rows.

    ;with seed(col) as


    select top 1000 1 [x] from sys.objects t1

    cross join (select top 1000 1 [x] from sys.objects) t2


    ,Numbers(col) as (select 1 from seed cross join seed [x])

    select top 10000 row_number() over (order by col) [rownumber]

    from Numbers

  • This isn't the first time on SSC that I've seen someone write an article that other readers quickly noted contained plagerized work (or lacked references crediting the original author). Fortunately, this kind of thing is a rare occurrence on SSC.

    As for Itzik Ben-Gan -- he is the master! I attended one of his pre-conference workshops back in 2008, which was all about the power of windows functions, even in its limited implementation back then -- Amazing.

    Below is a goofy-random script that ranks students scores on assignments, wherein it's assumed that a teacher lets students repeat assignments, and ultimately take the best score for the assignments completed. (Kind of nutty, but the sql works).


    WITH cte

    AS ( SELECT TOP 100

    Student = ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 10 + 1

    ,Score = ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 100 + 1

    ,Assignment = ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 6 + 1

    FROM syscolumns x

    ,syscolumns y



    as ( SELECT student



    ,ScoreRank = ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( partition by student order by Score desc )

    from cte


    Select Student



    from cte_StudentScoresRanked

    where ScoreRank = 1

  • Very useful for finding the most recent transaction per Account (or customer, facility, etc., etc...)

    ;WITH [transxRows] AS (

    SELECT *,


    PARTITION BY [AccountID]

    ORDER BY [TransxTimestamp] DESC ) AS [RowRank]

    FROM [Transx]


    SELECT *

    FROM [transxRows]

    WHERE [RowRank] = 1;

  • Plagarism on the internet, shocking. No, it's not OK to do it, but it makes you wonder how much info actually remains in the hands of the author. It seems like SQL Server Central has little to apologize for, since it was someone else at fault, but it is great that you are acknowledging the true author in this fashion.

    I used this query to import a list of companies and employees from an Excel spreadsheet (in an SSIS Dataflow Source):

    SELECT 'Y' as Active

    , 64 as CREATED_BY_USER

    , GetDate() as CREATED_DATE


    , DENSE_RANK() Over( order by CompanyName)

    + (Select SerialNo - 1

    From Temp.SERIALNO

    Where SFNAME = 'CMS_CID') as CID

    , 'CMAPRCOM' as CompanyCMSType

    , CompanyName

    , CompanyShortName

    , ROW_NUMBER() Over(Order by CompanyName,FullName)

    + (Select SerialNo - 1

    From Temp.SERIALNO

    Where SFNAME = 'CMS_CID')

    + (Select COUNT(Distinct CompanyName)

    FROM [Temp].[AppraisalCompanyInfo]) as CID2

    , 'CMAPPRSR' as AppraiserCMSType

    , FullName

    , ApprShortName

    , LicenseState

    , 'CMSTLAPP' as CMSTitle

    , Certified

    , Notes

    , ROW_NUMBER() Over(Order by CompanyName,FullName)

    + (Select SerialNo - 1

    From Temp.SERIALNO

    Where SFNAME = 'CMS_PHN') as SERIALNOPhone

    , 'CMSPTWRK' as PhoneType

    , Phone

    , ROW_NUMBER() Over(Order by CompanyName,FullName)

    + (Select SerialNo - 1

    From Temp.SERIALNO

    Where SFNAME = 'CMS_EML') as SERIALNOEmail

    , 'CMSETWRK' as EmailAddressType

    , EMailAddress

    , DENSE_RANK() Over( order by Address)

    + (Select SerialNo - 1

    From Temp.SERIALNO


    , 'CMSATWRK' as AddressType

    , Address1

    , Address2

    , City

    , [State]

    , ZipCode

    FROM Temp.AppraisalCompanyInfo

    order by Address

  • Once upon a time, in the dark ages of printed textbooks and such, plagarism was not only frowned upon, it was cause for immediate dismissal or expulsion from university.

    To claim the work of another as your own is at best fraud and at worst theft.

    Always cite your sources but use them as sources of information, not the sources of your content!

  • Here is some code I use to locate and deal with duplicates in a table.

    WITH cte

    AS (SELECT twd.idtblWithDups


    ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ft.idfkTbl ORDER BY twd.idtblWithDups) 'RowRank'

    FROM dbo.tblWithDups twd

    JOIN dbo.associativeTbl at ON at.idtblWithDups = twd.idtblWithDups

    JOIN dbo.fkTbl ft ON ft.idfkTbl = at.idfkTbl

    WHERE ft.createdByAppName = 'I2E'


    SELECT *

    INTO ##tblWithDups

    FROM cte

    WHERE RowRank > 1


    RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY [Name] ORDER BY [DateTime]) As [EntryOrder]






    SELECT 'Billy' As [Name], '2/8/2002 6:00' As [DateTime], 'Back Door' As [EntryPoint]


    SELECT 'Bob' As [Name], '2/8/2002 6:00' As [DateTime], 'Back Door' As [EntryPoint]


    SELECT 'Bob' As [Name], '2/8/2002 6:01' As [DateTime], 'Back Door' As [EntryPoint]


    SELECT 'Bug R. D.' As [Name], '2/8/2002 6:00' As [DateTime], 'Back Door' As [EntryPoint]


    SELECT 'Bug R. D.' As [Name], '2/8/2002 6:01' As [DateTime], 'Back Door' As [EntryPoint]


    SELECT 'Bug R. D.' As [Name], '2/8/2002 6:02' As [DateTime], 'Back Door' As [EntryPoint]


    SELECT 'H. Berry' As [Name], '2/8/2002 9:00' As [DateTime], 'Ball Room' As [EntryPoint]


    SELECT 'H. Berry' As [Name], '2/8/2002 9:01' As [DateTime], 'Ball Room' As [EntryPoint]


    SELECT 'H. Berry' As [Name], '2/8/2002 9:02' As [DateTime], 'Ball Room' As [EntryPoint]


    SELECT 'H. Berry' As [Name], '2/8/2002 9:03' As [DateTime], 'Ball Room' As [EntryPoint]

    ) As Entries

  • The downside is that he was plagiarized. The upside is that SQL Server Central has integrity and all of these folks know about his book now. I looked at the book's preview on Amazon and it looks like it's packed with useful information on the mysterious OVER clause.

    Here's what I learned from my perusal of the book:

    with myproducts as (

    select row_number() over(order by productid) as RowNum , * from product


    select * from myproducts where RowNum between 5 and 10

  • Windowing functions are incredibly helpful and time-saving. Without the new functions, I would have had to use temporary tables or possibly cursor in some situations, but some things are so easy with the new functions.

    Below, I've used them to determine when stock will be available, based on beginning position, sales orders, and purchase orders.



    , StockCode

    , OrderNumber

    , DateOrderBy

    , AllocatedOrSORunningTotal = SUM(AllocPlusSORTNumber) OVER (PARTITION BY StockCode ORDER BY DateOrderBy, Hierarchy, OrderNumber)

    , RunningTotal = SUM(ThisChange) OVER (PARTITION BY StockCode ORDER BY DateOrderBy, Hierarchy, OrderNumber)

    + COALESCE((select SUM(S2.QtyAllocated + S2.ThisChange ) from Stock_Changes_By_Date S2 WHERE S2.StockCode = S1.StockCode AND S2.DateOrderBy >= S1.DateOrderBy AND Section = 'S' ) , 0)

    , AllocatedRunningTotal = SUM(AllocRTNumber) OVER (PARTITION BY StockCode ORDER BY DateOrderBy, OrderNumber)

    , PhysicalRunningTotal = SUM(ThisChange) OVER (PARTITION BY StockCode ORDER BY DateOrderBy, OrderNumber)

    FROM Stock_Changes_By_Date S1

    WHERE StockCode = 'x'

    I'd love to win that book. 🙂

  • I use the Over clause in this statememt to calculate tiered incentives (the more an employee sells, the more they earn)

    DECLARE @TellerID as smallint

    DECLARE @StartDate as smalldatetime

    DECLARE @EndDate as smalldatetime

    SET @TellerID = '2061'

    SET @StartDate = '11/1/2013'

    SET @EndDate = '11/30/2013'

    DECLARE @Start as smalldatetime

    SET @Start = CAST(month(@endDate) as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + CAST(YEAR(@endDate) as varchar(4))

    SET @EndDate = DATEADD(m, 1, @Start)

    SET @EndDate = DATEADD(d, -1, @EndDate)

    SELECT ti.TieredProductName


    ,cast(tl.startQuantity as varchar(3)) + ' - ' + isnull(cast(tl.endQuantity as varchar(15)),'or more') as levelRange


    ,count(ss.Incentive) as Quantity

    ,isnull(sum(ss.Incentive),0) as Payout

    FROM SymWarehouse.sales.tieredlevel as tl inner join

    SymWarehouse.Sales.TieredIncentive as ti on tl.TieredProductID = ti.TieredProductID left join



    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY [TellerID], tp.TieredProductID ORDER BY SalesDate, [ParentAccount], [Ordinal], [FieldNbr] DESC) as rowNumber










    FROM [SymWarehouse].Sales.[SalesSummary] as ss inner join

    SymWarehouse.sales.TieredProduct as tp on ss.SalesType = tp.productid inner join

    SymWarehouse.Sales.TieredIncentive as ti on tp.TieredProductID = ti.TieredProductID

    WHERE SalesDate between @Start and @endDate and TellerID = @tellerID

    and ti.StartDate <= SalesDate and (ti.EndDate is null or ti.EndDate >= SalesDate)

    ) as SS on ss.TieredProductID = tl.TieredProductID and ss.rowNumber >= tl.startquantity and ss.rowNumber <= ISNULL(tl.endquantity, 999)

    WHERE ti.StartDate <= @Start and (ti.EndDate is null or ti.EndDate >= @endDate)

    GROUP BY ti.TieredProductName, tl.levelnumber ,tl.startQuantity, tl.endQuantity, tl.incentiveamount

    ORDER BY ti.TieredProductName, tl.levelnumber

  • Looking to see if a tenant has a rent increase, only bringing back the first one...



    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(partition by BU.bu_id, vUnits.UnitNumber order by RS.IncreaseStartDate) as 'RowNumber',

    UnitNumber,UnitSF, Lease, Tenant,Property, IncreaseStartDate, IncreasePSF

    from vUnits

    join PROPERTIES BU on vUnits.bu_id = bu.bu_id

    join dbo.RENT_BUMPS RS on vUnits.lea_num = RS.rs_lea_num


    SELECT * FROM PREP where RowNumber = 1


  • Here is my bit. I did not go through the whole list of responses, so this might be duplicated. This is the most useful part of windowing I have found thus far - deleting duplicate rows where there is no unique identifier.

    ;With List as

    (Select [UserID], [AppID], ROW_NUMBER() Over (Partition by [UserID], [AppID] Order By [UserID]) as Row

    FROM [AppUser])

    Delete From List

    where Row > 1

    Yes, it really is that simple. I am looking forward to understanding and using Windowing more.

  • I would highly recommend this book to anyone learning TSQL Windowing. I share an Amazon link to Itzak's books in all my classes.

    SELECT e.LastName + ', '+ e.FirstName AS EmpName, p.Name AS Product, s.Quantity, s.ListPrice,

    RANK() Over(Partition By p.Name, Order By s.ListPrice) as ProductSold

    FROM HumanResources.Employee as e

    JOIN Accounting.Sales as s

    ON e.empid = s.empid

    JOIN Production.Product as p

    ON p.prodid = s.prodid

  • Keep up the good work!



    , [1] As Note1

    , [2] As Note2

    , [3] As Note3



    SELECT a.Id, a.Note

    , RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY a.Id ORDER BY a.CreatedDate DESC, a.Id DESC) AS RankNum

    FROM (SELECT Id, Note, CreatedDate FROM MyTable (NOLOCK)) a

    ) p



    MAX(Note) FOR RankNum IN ([1], [2], [3])

    ) AS pvt

  • I SUM() INTO the apologizes to Ben-Gan && I would love to keep improving my knowledge with this book!

    Enjoy the function below!



    SET @N = 100;



    [DATA1] AS (SELECT 1 'Col' FROM [DATA0] AS [01] CROSS JOIN [DATA0] AS [02]),

    [DATA2] AS (SELECT 1 'Col' FROM [DATA1] AS [11] CROSS JOIN [DATA1] AS [12]),

    [DATA3] AS (SELECT 1 'Col' FROM [DATA2] AS [21] CROSS JOIN [DATA2] AS [22]),

    [DATA4] AS (SELECT 1 'Col' FROM [DATA3] AS [31] CROSS JOIN [DATA3] AS [32]),




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