SQLVDI - Errors

  • Has anyone seen this message before? Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Event Type: Error

    Event Source: SQLVDI

    Event Category: None

    Event ID: 1

    Date: 6/17/2008

    Time: 9:24:20 PM

    User: N/A

    Computer: SQL02


    SQLVDI: Loc=IdentifySQLServer. Desc=MSSQLSERVER. ErrorCode=(1060)The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

    . Process=5600. Thread=3160. Client. Instance=. VD=.

    For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.

  • Not sure this directly relating to your problem but it maybe a place to to start


    Out of curiosty what backup agent are you using?

    Gethyn Elliswww.gethynellis.com

  • SQL Lite Speed


  • i've had these for various reasons, my first guess would be to make sure you have it installed and configured properly

  • I can try to reinstall an upgraded version of SLS. Could'nt hurt anything.

  • You might want to start with quest. I seem to recall this when we changed out servers and went to a quad core on x64 bit. The licensing was different.

    Greg E

  • Think I found the problem. Compression was set too high in SLS. So far so good.

    Thanks everyone for their help!


  • Hi

    could you please give some more details about the resolution? I am getting the same error message.

    thank you!


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