SQLXML Bulk Load .... multi element XML File to One Table

  • Sorry if this is the wrong place but could not see any other places....

    I am probably missing something... but I am getting annoyed with all the examples for the schemas and loading the XML into the database as it assumes that there is a clear 1-1 mapping between element and table and that it would not be possible if a complete record for a table entry might be contained nested within several elements.... sorry rant over....

    I have the following xml.... and so far the following xsd..... but I need to specify some relation in the XSD that will help map the XML to the correct fields the XML maps to ONE table.


    <?xml version="1.0"?>


      <artefact doc_ref="Trent1000ARTiSAN" doc_type="12" doc_name="Trent1000ARTiSAN">

        <instance type_id="17" doc="Trent1000ARTiSAN" sec="05 Component View::Control CPU::Application Layer::Engine Events::IdleDetection.aboveIdleFI"/>









    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"




        <sql:relationship ?????????????????????????????? />



     <xsd:element name="artefact" sql:relation="TBL_INSTANCES">



           <xsd:element name="instance" sql:relation="TBL_INSTANCES" sql:relationship="?????????????????????">


        <xsd:attribute name="type_id" type="xsd:int" use="required" sql:field="TYPE_ID" sql:datatype="bigint"/>

        <xsd:attribute name="doc" type="xsd:string" use="required" sql:field="DOC" sql:datatype="varchar(200)"/>

        <xsd:attribute name="sec" type="xsd:string" use="required" sql:field="SEC" sql:datatype="varchar(200)"/>




         <xsd:attribute name="doc_ref" type="xsd:string" use="required" sql:field="DOC_ID" sql:datatype="varchar(200)"/>      

         <xsd:attribute name="doc_name" type="xsd:string" use="required" sql:field="DOC_NAME" sql:datatype="varchar(200)"/>

         <xsd:attribute name="doc_type" type="xsd:string" use="required" sql:field="DOC_TYPE" sql:datatype="bigint"/>





  • i believe the issue is that one complex type must map to one table.... can anyone confirm this is true?

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