SSAS: Cube Deployment successful, but has no data

  • Hi,

    I created a simple cube with processing on couple of dimensions.

    The data source defined is correct & is deploying successfully...still not able to browse any data in the cube. If I open dsv, I am able to open the tables.

    Can anybody tell, what could be the issue?

    I created another cube with same data source, its deploying correctly.


  • You need to process the cube in order to see the data.Do the full process and verify the data

  • Hi

    I have same sort of problem, can you pleaes let me know how can I load data in cube and dimensions using stored procedure or DTS.


  • im new @ sql server i need everything in terms of books my email is

    thank you my main interest is BUSINESS INTELIGENCE

  • Two things to check,

    1st - check the relationships of your dimensions and make sure they are correctly attached to the cube through the right keys.

    2nd - Make sure your date field is properly built with composite keys and definitions in the properties. This is a common problem where the dates are not properly built and no data will show up.

    example: quarters roll up to years and months roll up to quarters and so on.

  • It may be caused by deleting "Calculate" in MDX statement. See the following for Details:

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