(SSAS) msmdsrv.log, Type: 3, Category: 289, Event ID: 0xC1210003

  • Hi,

    I have a new SQL 2014 SSAS install that I'm working with.

    I've noticed the application log, logging Event ID 3, Category 289 repeatedly.

    Google hasn't been much help as other posts on the internet are referencing issues with processing cubes, which I am NOT having a problem with.

    The issue doesn't seem to be causing any end user negativity that I can tell. (This dev box was just stood up and is only being used by a couple of people currently).

    The interesting thing is that it doesn't always happen, but when it does, it repeats for many hours based on the ExternalCommandTimeout setting. I have fiddled with this setting a bit. For example over the weekend the event pop-ed up at 1:04 PM, on Saturday, and then repeated (on the dot) every two hours (my timeout), until 11:04 PM, then nothing all day Sunday. There's nothing scheduled at 1:04 PM.

    I do not see any other related events around this issue in the app log / sys log / default trace / or flight recorder.

    Anyone seen anything like this?

  • Pulled this from a trace:

    RowNumber 3696

    EventClass 39

    EventSubclass 5

    TextData OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Query timeout expired; HYT00. Trace: The SQL Server notification read operation failed. SQL Trace status code: 0.

    ConnectionID NULL

    NTUserName NULL

    ApplicationName NULL

    IntegerData NULL

    StartTime 4/11/16 11:17

    CurrentTime 4/11/16 11:17

    Duration 0

    DatabaseName My_DB

    ObjectName My_SSAS_DataSourceName

    Error NULL

    ClientProcessID NULL


    CPUTime NULL

    NTDomainName NULL

    RequestParameters NULL

    RequestProperties NULL

    BinaryData NULL

    Corresponding line from the flight recorder:

    (4/11/2016 11:17:55 AM) Message: OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Query timeout expired; HYT00. (Source: ...\msmdsrv.log, Type: 3, Category: 289, Event ID: 0xC1210003)

    I also attempted to setup my msmdsrv.ini file to perform a minidump, but it didn't happen.

  • Well, I figured out a bunch of this.

    If anyone's interested: http://jonmorisissqlblog.blogspot.com/2016/04/ole-db-error-ole-db-or-odbc-error-query.html

  • ....aaaand a MS Connect to vote up: https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/2581127

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