SSAS uses old table!!!

  • I had a table in the DSV and this table was used in a bunch of Dimensions and Cubes.

    I decided to filter the table and use the VIEW instead of the original table as a source for the DIMs and CUBEs.

    So i go to the DSV, rightclick, replace table->with other table and choose the view.

    First problem I face -- it does not fix the cubes, dims so that I had to go into the code and fix the XML (not a big deal).

    Second problem - after I got rid of ALL the occurance of the table and replaced it with the view name/ID, when processing the cube it STILL QUERIES the table!!! What da hell???

    I don't know what to do. I did a search on the project folder for the table name -- no occurance. Where could the name of the table come from?

    Thank you VAL

    M.Sc.IT, M.B.A, MCTS BI 2008, MCITP BI 2008, MCTS SQL Dev, CSM, CDVDM

  • I figured out the problem and will answer my own question so that ppl know.

    BIDS DSV replace table feature replaces the table in the DSV and consequently in the DSV of individual cubes. But it does not do the work right.

    What you need to do after that is to

    - go to code of the cube and replace the occurance of the old table with the new one

    - go to partitions and kill the partition

    - create a new partition and reprocess it.

    Its weird that VIEW CODE on the cube gives instead of the real partition code.

    I figured the problem out by deploying the dodgy cube, which would query the old table and then scripting it back out from Managemente Studio. This is where the old table name comes up.

    Hope I cleared something by this and helped someone.



    M.Sc.IT, M.B.A, MCTS BI 2008, MCITP BI 2008, MCTS SQL Dev, CSM, CDVDM

  • I just ran into the same problem (in SSAS 2005) and found a different workaround. Your hint at killing the partition pointed me in the right direction.

    The problem from what I can see is that the partition source is still based on the original table after using the DSV's replace table functionality. If you go into the source edit screen from the cube's partition tab you will see that the binding type is "Table Binding" and the list of available tables likely does not contain your view. If you click on the "Find Tables" button the list of available tables gets updated and now should include your view. Change the source and reprocess and you're in business (without editing the cube's xml) ... at least I was.



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