SSIS and SQL Express

  • I am trying to prove is whether an integration service package can be executed against a SQL Express 2005 database.


    We have 80 clients that we are planning to roll out SQL Express to as the db and I would like to know if I develop the SSIS package using my local full blown version of SQL Server 2005 can I then package it up and send it out along with the application (C# Winforms, clickOnce deployment)  and the package be executed on the client machine that will only have SQL Express installed?


    I can't tell if the documentation refers to the ability to create SSIS packages is not in SQL Express Management Studio or whether it can not be run against it?




  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • It cannot be created in Express.  I can run against the Express instance.

    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

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