SSIS and SQL Linked Server

  • hi everyone

    I hope everyone is having a good break.

    We are trying to use SSIS to get data from an RTDB using a linked SQL server since the RTDB database is in a different network. My question is which connection manager will we need to use to create the connection between SSIS and the linked server which is a sql server database?



  • You don't have linked servers in SSIS; Linked Servers is a Data Engine "thing". You can have multiple OLEDB Connections in a package, and those can reference different Servers/Instances in a single SSIS package/project. You just need to create the appropriate OLEDB Connection(s).


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Dear Thom

    thanks for the reply.

    So to connect between SSIS package and a separate linked server I would create an OLEDB connection using the connection managers. Is that the procedure?


  • hurricaneDBA wrote:

    So to connect between SSIS package and a separate linked server I would create an OLEDB connection using the connection managers.

    You just need to create an OLEDB connection for that instance yes. It's not a "linked server", like I said there is no such thing in SSIS. You can have as many, or as few, connections you want in an SSIS package/project and you can multiple of the same type, and that includes OLEDB. So you could have 4 OLEDB connections in the package/project that all point to completely different RDBMS instances, and when you want to use that connection, just select to correct one for the connection manager in your task.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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