SSIS and Transaction Log Growth

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item SSIS and Transaction Log Growth

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  • Interesting question! thanks Craig.

    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • Nice question, thanks.

    Hope this helps...

    Ford Fairlane
    Rock and Roll Detective

  • Interesting Question .......................

  • And if the Maximum Insert Commit Size in the OLEDB destination is already set to a reasonable value you.....

    This option might not work - so plitting a source stream into a few hundred streams might be unwieldy but necessary.

  • Interesting question, but I do not agree entirely with the answer.

    Setting the commit size to a lower value will commit batches before the entire load is done. What if something fails and I want to roll everything back?

    Splitting the load up in smaller chunks but in manageable transactions seems to make more sense.

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  • Koen,

    I agree with what you say, nothing worse than a partially loaded set of data in this type of scenario, but the question did say the simplest, and changing the commit batch is very simple.

    So it's the simplest but maybe not the most sensible for a given situation.


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  • Koen Verbeeck (3/5/2014)

    Interesting question, but I do not agree entirely with the answer.

    Setting the commit size to a lower value will commit batches before the entire load is done. What if something fails and I want to roll everything back?

    Splitting the load up in smaller chunks but in manageable transactions seems to make more sense.

    Koen, I don't understand. Setting the commit size to a lower value is having SSIS split the load into more manageable chunks for you, isn't it? If there's a failure, you're not going to be able to roll the whole thing back in either situation (unless, of course, the failure occurs in the first batch).

    Stewart "Arturius" Campbell (3/5/2014)

    Alternatively, change the recovery model to bulk logged just before the load and back on completion thereof.

    however, this will require a full backup before and after...

    Stewart, I think you only need the full backup if you switch to Simple. Bulk Logged preserves the log backup chain, although if you need to restore to a point in time during the time the database is in Bulk Logged mode, you may not be able to.


  • John Mitchell-245523 (3/5/2014)

    Koen Verbeeck (3/5/2014)

    Interesting question, but I do not agree entirely with the answer.

    Setting the commit size to a lower value will commit batches before the entire load is done. What if something fails and I want to roll everything back?

    Splitting the load up in smaller chunks but in manageable transactions seems to make more sense.

    Koen, I don't understand. Setting the commit size to a lower value is having SSIS split the load into more manageable chunks for you, isn't it? If there's a failure, you're not going to be able to roll the whole thing back in either situation (unless, of course, the failure occurs in the first batch).

    You're right. You have more control over the different transactions (which are smaller in size), but to avoid transaction log growth you still have to commit them.

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  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Koen Verbeeck (3/5/2014)

    Interesting question, but I do not agree entirely with the answer.

    Setting the commit size to a lower value will commit batches before the entire load is done. What if something fails and I want to roll everything back?

    Splitting the load up in smaller chunks but in manageable transactions seems to make more sense.

    Well, the destination in this case IS a staging table. If you want to roll everything back, you can just truncate it again, no?

  • Nevyn (3/5/2014)

    Koen Verbeeck (3/5/2014)

    Interesting question, but I do not agree entirely with the answer.

    Setting the commit size to a lower value will commit batches before the entire load is done. What if something fails and I want to roll everything back?

    Splitting the load up in smaller chunks but in manageable transactions seems to make more sense.

    Well, the destination in this case IS a staging table. If you want to roll everything back, you can just truncate it again, no?

    Point taken 😀

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Nevyn (3/5/2014)

    Koen Verbeeck (3/5/2014)

    Interesting question, but I do not agree entirely with the answer.

    Setting the commit size to a lower value will commit batches before the entire load is done. What if something fails and I want to roll everything back?

    Splitting the load up in smaller chunks but in manageable transactions seems to make more sense.

    Well, the destination in this case IS a staging table. If you want to roll everything back, you can just truncate it again, no?

    Utmost simplicity, thanx.

  • Interesting question and discussion.

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