SSIS Conditional Split Expressions

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item SSIS Conditional Split Expressions

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  • And here starts the obligatory pedantry. 😛

    In a conditional split transformation, an expression is evaluated for each row.

    is not quite correct. The correct statement is:

    In a conditional split transformation, one or more expressions are evaluated for each row.

    Each expression returns true or false, and each expression is tied to a specified output. In this way, a single conditional split can divide a rowset into multiple sets, each of which can be processed distinctly.

  • Easy one, thanks.

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  • sknox (8/17/2015)

    And here starts the obligatory pedantry. 😛

    In a conditional split transformation, an expression is evaluated for each row.

    is not quite correct. The correct statement is:

    In a conditional split transformation, one or more expressions are evaluated for each row.

    Meh, not convinced 🙂

    The question says= "an expression is evaluated for each row". As the conditional split has to evaluate at least 1 expression, that statement is true. It just doesn't go into specifics if it is one or more expressions.

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
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  • sknox (8/17/2015)

    And here starts the obligatory pedantry. 😛

    In a conditional split transformation, an expression is evaluated for each row.

    is not quite correct. The correct statement is:

    In a conditional split transformation, one or more expressions are evaluated for each row.

    Each expression returns true or false, and each expression is tied to a specified output. In this way, a single conditional split can divide a rowset into multiple sets, each of which can be processed distinctly.

    Picky. Picky. Picky.

    It doesn't change the answer, so, move on. 🙂

    Alvin Ramard
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  • I would have felt bad if I got this one wrong.

    Good one to start the week with Steve.

    Alvin Ramard
    Memphis PASS Chapter[/url]

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  • Probably slightly incorrect to say it's only one expression. It could be, but it could be multiple ones.

    I'll change the question, but I'm not sure this affected the answers.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (8/17/2015)

    Probably slightly incorrect to say it's only one expression. It could be, but it could be multiple ones.

    I'll change the question, but I'm not sure this affected the answers.

    Doesn't matter how you word it. Expressions still need to result in True or False.

    Alvin Ramard
    Memphis PASS Chapter[/url]

    All my SSC forum answers come with a money back guarantee. If you didn't like the answer then I'll gladly refund what you paid for it.

    For best practices on asking questions, please read the following article: Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • Alvin Ramard (8/17/2015)

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (8/17/2015)

    Probably slightly incorrect to say it's only one expression. It could be, but it could be multiple ones.

    I'll change the question, but I'm not sure this affected the answers.

    Doesn't matter how you word it. Expressions still need to result in True or False.

    Agreed. The question is really fine either way; I just wanted to clarify that a single conditional split can use multiple expressions to generate several distinct outputs, as this is an incredibly useful feature which I have had to use recently.

  • Nice - thanks, Steve!

  • Nice and easy. Thanks for sharing

  • Absolutely no idea abut this, so thanx 4 getting new info!

  • sknox (8/17/2015)

    And here starts the obligatory pedantry. 😛

    In a conditional split transformation, an expression is evaluated for each row.

    is not quite correct. The correct statement is:

    In a conditional split transformation, one or more expressions are evaluated for each row.

    Each expression returns true or false, and each expression is tied to a specified output. In this way, a single conditional split can divide a rowset into multiple sets, each of which can be processed distinctly.

    Thanks for the clarification.

  • I almost got this wrong, because upon first reading of the question I thought this was about an execution plan operator.

    Luckily, I remembered that the operator that the description would have applied to is called "Switch", not "Conditional Split". And then I read with more attention, noticed the SSIS in the title, and realized my mistake.

    But this gave me an idea. Would people appreciate if I submit a few questions about execution plan operators? Or would that be too specialized/advanced?

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
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