SSIS failing - Visual Studio Shell

  • Hi,

    Wonder if someone can help?

    I had a SSIS project created and saved on a SQL 2014 server.

    This was being called via an agent job and all was running fine.

    The project was created using Visual Studio Shell (via SSDTBI extra install as SQL Server no longer ships with BIDS or SSDT) on my local machine. So I was editing the SSIS project locally but deploying to server. All good.

    However, there are situations whereby I want to edit directly on server and I was unable to do this and the software setup seemed wrong (mixture of various VS installs) so I decided to uninstall all VS apps on server and reinstall. On trying to reinstall, the SQL Server 2014 wizard showed the Data Tools selection ticked and greyed out and informed me that components already installed. So I couldn't proceed with install.

    At that point the scheduled job executing the SSIS packages started to fail, with these messages: (all relating to the script tasks)

    "The binary code for the script task is not found.

    Please open the script in the designer by clicking Edit Script button and make sure it builds successfully"

    "The script component includes no code. Edit the component to include code"

    "Script Task failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN"

    Now, when I open the SSIS project and the script task and "build" then it is successful.

    I can also run the project manually and it runs through everything fine with no fails.

    However, it persists to fail via the agent job.

    Only the script task fails when running via the job.

    I managed to install Visual Studio 2012 on server and opened project and, as above, it ran fine, but when I deploy to SSIS catalog and rerun job it fails.

    It seems when I uninstalled VS, not all components were removed as they are shared with other apps.

    I don't want to have to completely wipe the server and rebuild SQL Server 2014 and SSDT as there is quite a bit of config relating to setting up SSIS, etc.

    The server is VM-Ware.

    Maybe I'm missing something.

  • Visual Studio 2012 is for SQL Server 2012.

    Since you are using SQL Server 2014, I assume it will be searching for Visual Studio 2013 components.

    Although you also need the VS 2012 components for the script tasks:

    Scripts and SSDT-BI 2013[/url]

    So apparently something is broken. Did you try a repair?

    Also try the MSDN forums, there are a lot of people over there who have experience with issues like this one.

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  • I hear what you say, however the SSIS project is now running fine strangely (scheduled job at 5am ran fine, whereas manual runs yesterday failed).

    Although I have SSDT VS 2013 and VS 2012 standalone installed on server, I went back to local machine and opened each script task, rebuilt and confirmed successful.

    Then redeployed to server.

    On local machine I am running SSDT VS 2012.

    It was working fine before the uninstalls that I did.

    So, I will have to monitor further (will be changing a couple of input parameters, etc) and try to work out why it is now working.

    Obviously, if I edit from server via 2013 then I get prompted to upgrade and then we have compatibility issues so I gave up on that.

    I think I need to make sure VS versions on local and server are the same and that deployment is from same version architecture.

    Thanks for your link and I feel the same frustration as you especially since Microsoft stopped shipping SSDT with SQL Server.

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