SSIS fails with ACCESS DENIED error when scheduled as job

  • The following script task uploads files from a local UNC to an UNIX location through sftp. We are making use of a tool, PUTTY-SFTP, (PSFTP) to accomplish the task.

    The psftp exe expects a .src (source) file which contains the command to be executed on the UNIX box (for eg. mput). A batch file is created that makes a call to the psftp exe with UNIX Server name, user id, password and script file pathas parameters.

    The UNIX server name, userid, pwd etc ae stored and retrieved from global variables.

    The problem is the package runs fine from the BI IDE, but fails to take off when scheduled as a job. It throws back an 'access denied' error, at the step highlighted (in red) below.

    The job is configured to run under a proxy context and the credential, being a local admin, has full access on the UNC, from where the files are picked up from. The UNIX user has read write permission on the shared mountpoint. I doubt it's something to do with calling the psftp EXE.

    The funny part is it ran successfully twice after the proxys were set up, but failing since then.

    Will greatly appreciate any guidance in this regard, as the isssue has started to trigger some panic.

    Kind Regards

    Private Sub psFTPToUNIX()

    'Load global variables with values

    Dim PathToBatch_bat As String = Dts.Variables("psftp_batchfile").Value.ToString

    Dim PathToPsftp_exe As String = Dts.Variables("psftp_exefile").Value.ToString

    Dim PathToScript_sc As String = Dts.Variables("psftp_sourcefile").Value.ToString

    Dim ServerName As String = Dts.Variables("ftp_server").Value.ToString

    Dim ServerUserName As String = Dts.Variables("ftp_user").Value.ToString

    Dim ServerPassword As String = Dts.Variables("PWD").Value.ToString

    Dim ServerSubdirectory As String = Dts.Variables("RemoteDir").Value.ToString

    Dim SourceFilePath As String = Dts.Variables("sourcefiles").Value.ToString

    'Create dynamic content of script file with local variable values

    Dim commands As String

    commands += "cd " & ServerSubdirectory & Chr(13) & Chr(10)

    commands += "mput " & SourceFilePath & Chr(13) & Chr(10)

    commands += "quit"

    'Write script file

    Dim oFile As System.IO.File

    Dim oWrite As System.IO.StreamWriter

    oWrite = oFile.CreateText(PathToScript_sc)



    'Create command line to run psftp in this format: psftp.exe sftp.server.domain -l username -p password -b script_file_path

    Dim command_line As String = PathToPsftp_exe & " " & ServerName & " -l " & ServerUserName & " -pw " & ServerPassword & " -b " & PathToScript_sc '& " -batch"

    'Write batch file

    oWrite = oFile.CreateText(PathToBatch_bat)



    'Run batch file as system process

    Dim startInfo As System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo

    Dim pStart As New System.Diagnostics.Process

    startInfo = New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(PathToBatch_bat)

    pStart.StartInfo = startInfo



  • A little update. I created the proxy on my domain credential which was not included in the local administrator group. Adding the same in that privileged category did make the job run successfully.

    My confusion now is, when my domain credential is not included in the admin group, running from BI IDE (the job should be using my credentials now) still takes the package to success . However, when scheduled as a job (the job still uses the same credentials, as implemented through proxy) the same fails (no need to say, the same succeeds when my ID is included the Admin group). The problem step is a call to an outside EXE (psftp.exe).

    How it is different, when the EXE is called (in a script task) from the BI IDE, and as a job (seemingly using the same domain credential). What is happening behind the scene ? Why the doamin needs to be added to the ADMINISTRATIVE group in the later case please?

    Any advice in this regard will be highly appreciated.


  • Any words of wisdom on this please?


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