SSIS Packages via SSMS

  • I know when creating SSIS packages inside Visual Studio, when loading data from an Excel file into a database, there is an option for "Fast Load" when loading data into a table.

    I am trying to create an SSIS package via the Tasks --> Import Data option inside SSMS (where you then save the package at the end).  However, I do not see an option for "Fast Load".  Is there an option using this method that I am missing?  I looked at the XML of the *.dtsx file but cannot find any options inside this to enable "Fast Load".   Is there a way to turn this on if I open the *.dtsx file and look at the XML?

    Is there a way to specify this using SSMS --> Tasks --> Import Data.

  • Can you later open the SSIS via V.S. to edit and set that option ?

  • Technically yes, I can open them in Visual Studio, but I cannot use this option at this time, as I am connecting to an Excel *.xlsx file, but unfortunately I do not have the 64-bit drivers installed and can only work with *.xls files as a result.  It is a long story and I have been trying for a very long time to get the correct drivers installed but unfortunately that has not happened (unfortunately, I do not have admin rights to install anything on my computer), so I am trying to find round about ways to accomplish this such as trying to manipulate the XML of the *.dtsx file.

  • If you can use VS to import the data - why do you need to use the import wizard?  BTW - the import wizard is not going to use a different driver than is used by VS.  Both are 32-bit applications that are going to use the 32-bit version of the driver.

    If you don't have the 32-bit version and cannot get it loaded, then you need to run the 64-bit version of the import wizard.

    Note: if you are having problems installing the 32-bit version because the 64-bit version already exists, then you must install it using the command line with the /quiet or /passive switch.

    Finally, there is no option in the wizard to define the method for loading the data.  The wizard does not expose the components in the package and it probably isn't using the OLEDB Destination object.

    Jeffrey Williams
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  • If you can use VS to import the data - why do you need to use the import wizard?  BTW - the import wizard is not going to use a different driver than is used by VS.  Both are 32-bit applications that are going to use the 32-bit version of the driver.

    I am not using Visual Studio at the moment because I cannot work with *.xlsx files.  I didn't create the original *.dtsx files.  A co-worker created them because I cannot work with *.xlsx files at the moment.  The co-worker does not have Visual Studio so it is a sort of "back and forth" between the two of us (I know, I know, but unfortunately my job title is not high enough to force it)

    If you don't have the 32-bit version and cannot get it loaded, then you need to run the 64-bit version of the import wizard.

    That is true, but I do not have this ability.  I cannot work with *.xlsx files in either SSMS Import Wizard or Visual Studio.  A co-worker created the original *.dtsx files because they have all the correct versions installed.

    Note: if you are having problems installing the 32-bit version because the 64-bit version already exists, then you must install it using the command line with the /quiet or /passive switch.

    Yes.  No offense meant, I understand what I need to do to get this all working, but unfortunately I do not have admin rights to my computer, so I cannot get any of this installed and I have been fighting with our IT Support staff for months trying to get them installed correctly, but it has not been going well.  I keep asking "can I just have admin rights on my machine for a day so I can get this installed", but have not had much success.   I keep telling them about the command line arguments required, but it is an automated process and no one seems to listen when I send them articles showing what is needed.

    Finally, there is no option in the wizard to define the method for loading the data.  The wizard does not expose the components in the package and it probably isn't using the OLEDB Destination object.

    Understood.  Thank you for the help and appreciate it 🙂

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