SSIS Performance: Considerations for larger datasets

  • Scenario

    * 20-30 million rows in each 3-5gb CSV file

    * SQL Server 2008 SP2

    * 4 environments (dev, test, pre-prod, prod)

    * All environments running win 2008 ent 64-bit SP2

    + dev & test: virtual with 4gb RAM Xeon 4-proc

    + pre-prod: virtual with 12gb RAM Xeon 8-proc

    + prod: physical machine 36gb RAM Xeon 8-proc

    When processing these larger datasets in dev thru pre-prod environments, errors and performance issues occur that seem to result from size of files (out-of-memory, extremely long process times, etc.). We have truncated the CSVs to only load a portion of the records in dev & test, but in pre-prod I want full load to accurately simulate the prod environment.

    Assuming I cannot increase my memory pool on prep-prod, what can be done with the SSIS packages, SQL server, etc. to improve performance?

  • mmattson (4/12/2011)


    * 20-30 million rows in each 3-5gb CSV file

    * SQL Server 2008 SP2

    * 4 environments (dev, test, pre-prod, prod)

    * All environments running win 2008 ent 64-bit SP2

    + dev & test: virtual with 4gb RAM Xeon 4-proc

    + pre-prod: virtual with 12gb RAM Xeon 8-proc

    + prod: physical machine 36gb RAM Xeon 8-proc

    When processing these larger datasets in dev thru pre-prod environments, errors and performance issues occur that seem to result from size of files (out-of-memory, extremely long process times, etc.). We have truncated the CSVs to only load a portion of the records in dev & test, but in pre-prod I want full load to accurately simulate the prod environment.

    Assuming I cannot increase my memory pool on prep-prod, what can be done with the SSIS packages, SQL server, etc. to improve performance?

    Where are you seeing the memory issues? What errors are you seeing?

    Josef Richberg
    2009 Exceptional DBA

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