SSIS Permissions - Proper Setup Suggestions?

  • Hello,

    Any suggestion on how to setup/grant access to a developer to create SSIS packages? He is db_owner in his own dev db.

    Many thanks. Jeff

  • Jeff (2/22/2008)


    Any suggestion on how to setup/grant access to a developer to create SSIS packages? He is db_owner in his own dev db.

    Are these SSIS packages going to be run as SQL jobs through the SQL Agent in production?

    If that's the case, the SQL Agent account will need to have sufficient permissions to access the database objects in question. I assume that account is sa on the instance?

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  • Hi,

    initially, the pkg will need to created & run by the developer for testing ... then i suspect we will be automating the process (importing xml data nightly) via sql agent job. currently sql agent is configured under a domain account (with sysadmin role) ... i heard there was now a proxy account?

    Many thanks. Jeff

  • Jeff (2/25/2008)


    initially, the pkg will need to created & run by the developer for testing ... then i suspect we will be automating the process (importing xml data nightly) via sql agent job. currently sql agent is configured under a domain account (with sysadmin role) ... i heard there was now a proxy account?

    Unfortunately, I am not familiar with proxy accounts, and I have always created and run packages as sysadmin.

    However, as far as the bare-min privileges of the user creating the package are concerned, you will need:

    ...permissions sufficient to write to the msdb database or to the file system. In Integration Services, this requires INSERT permissions on the msdb database.

    (see for info on other permissions).

    See also:

    Integration Services Roles,

    You may want to try assigning your user to one of the roles mentioned (db_dtsltduser perhaps?) and see if that works for you.

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  • hi, excellent ! i think this is exactly what i'm looking for ... there are new db roles for DTS vs giving the developer the sysadmin server role.

    many thanks again.

    Many thanks. Jeff

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