• Hi all,

    My source is excel, I have to load the data from source to target

    As per the below structure

    first column in target---sum all qty in table, second column--totsales_pric in table

    third & fourth column in target are

    Sum of qty for tv and sum of tot_sales for tv


    Zone, Prod_name ,qty, sales_price

    North Tv 30 15000

    south Laptop 12 20000

    North Tv 20 10000


    Count_qty , total_price, Tv_qty, Tv_totsal

    62 45000 50 25000

  • Hi,

    write script Query for the above.

    I hope you need

    1st column to go table1

    2nd column to go table2

    for 3rd n 4th use sum(3,4) function

  • There is an aggregate component which should work for you. Alternatively you should look at a staging table which you can use to summarise the data.

  • I don't believe this is possible. It seems like when RS exports the data, it does data only... and sometimes does some interesting things with column spanning cells too. It may be possible to do something clever where the "value" in the reporting services report is the expression you want Excel to evaluate when it's exported, but my guess is that RS would escape the function and you still wouldn't have what you wanted (besides that, the RS report would look funny then). For our reports, I usually export them to Excel, clean them (a little), then put the functions I want in. Once I had it the way I wanted, I used the new Excel file as a template with the formulas at the top and just cut-n-paste the data out of the new exports into the clean sheet. (yes, I should automate it, but it doesn't need to be done very often)

    I know this doesn't help, but at least you know someone looked at your post (better than zero replies?

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