SSIS Script Task: script editor bug?!?!

  • Good morning-

    About a month ago, we started encountering the following error message when clicking the "Design Script" button on the Script pane in the SSIS Script Task:

    "Cannot show the editor for this task.

    Additional Information: Engine returned unknown error (Microsoft.VisualBasic.vsa.dt)"

    Has anyone run into this, or know a fix for it? We have researched this and tried everything we have found (registering .dll's, etc), but to no avail. We are at a loss, and this is extremely annoying...


  • If you are still dealing with this, check out this post on MSDN.

    I am experiencing the same behavior, but without the error message. When I click the "Design Script" button my script task editor window closes and then.... nothing. No error, no message.

  • This problem happened to me before. Its a bug and i fixed by installing the service packs for Sql Server....

    Hope this helps.

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