SSIS Security issue

  • As odd as this may seem my Job fails unless I'm remoted into the SQL server, then it works fine. It worked fine yesterday but last night all the jobs failed cause I was no long remoted into the server. I can recreate the problem everytime.

    Here's the error I get when it doesn't work.

    DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1).

    Here's how I'm calling the .dtsx. Any ideas?? This has been a huge pain.

    "E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server (x86)\90\DTS\Binn\dtexec.exe" /FILE "C:\AdaptSSISDatabases\AdaptSSISDatabases\AdaptSSISDatabases\CostpointtoBond1.dtsx" /maxconcurrent " -1 " /checkpointing off /DE "password"

  • How is this being run? SQL Agent Job, xp_cmdshell, or what. I assume you are coming in through remoe desktop.


  • SQL Agent Job with a type of cmdexec

    Yes I make a remote desktop connection to the server and for whatever reason that fixes it, very odd. I don't know how the 2 are even related but happens everytime.

  • Does your package have anything like a script task with a msgbox command. I'm thinking that this might somehow be a cause..


  • It has an ODBC connection, but I use a different account to create that ODBC connection...Hmm but anythings possible at this point, I'll check it out.

  • Damn it, I had it setup as a user DSN not a System DSN, uhhh I'm so stupid. Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction!!!!

  • You are welcome..


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