SSIS Step to check file exists - dynamically named based on date

  • Hi guys, I need to build an SSIS package that will check that a file exists and then do a simple data import into the SQL Database.

    The issue I have is that the filename will vary based on the current date.

    [Static Folder Path]\YYYY\MM MMMM\24 hr Operational Plan - DD MMM YY.xls

    I've attempted to build a script task to check the file exists but I'm not certain on actually moving to the next step and reading from the file.

    Public Class ScriptMain

    Public Sub Main()

    Dim path As String = "[Static Folder Path]"

    Dim dateToday As Date = Now().AddDays(-1)

    Dim filePart1 As String = Format(Now(), "YYYY")

    Dim filePart2 As String = Format(Now(), "MM MMMM")

    Dim filePart3 As String = Format(Now(), "DD MMM YY")

    Dim fullFileName As String = path & "\" & filePart1 & "\" & filePart2 & "\" & "24 hr Operational Plan - " & filePart3

    If System.IO.File.Exists(fullFileName) Then

    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success


    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure

    End If

    End Sub

    End Class

    I expect I can assign a variable and use that in the Import process but I'm not sure how.

    Additionally, is there a way to debug the code. If I run the step by itself it's failing, however I can't actually see what's going on to determine why it's failing.

  • First of all, where are you getting the file from? Is it from a folder somewhere or is it located in FTP? Because it can be a lot more easier than you think to do this if you can give us a hint of where the files are coming from.

    [font="Verdana"]Imagination is more important than knowledge-Albert Einstein[/font]

  • Setting a package variable in your Script Task sounds like the right track.

    To use that variable open the properties for the Connection Manager used for the Excel file. Select Expressions, for the Property choose ConnectionString and set the Expression = @[User::myVariable].

    As far as debugging, setting Break Points in your script may help those efforts. See BOL topic: How to: Set a Breakpoint in Script in a Script Task.

  • Worked it out shortly after - decided on a alternative solution now anyway. But for anyone who's having the issue;

    Public Sub Main()

    Dim path As String = " "

    Dim dateToday As Date = Now()

    Dim filePart1 As String = Format(dateToday, "yyyy")

    Dim filePart2 As String = Format(dateToday, "MM MMMM")

    Dim filePart3 As String = Format(dateToday, "dd MMM yy")

    Dim fullFileName As String = path & "\" & filePart1 & "\" & filePart2 & "\" & "24 hr Operational Plan - " & filePart3 & ".xls"

    Dts.Variables("User::FileName24HrOperationalPlan").Value = Right(fullFileName, Len(fullFileName) - 1).Replace("\", "\\")


    If System.IO.File.Exists(fullFileName) Then

    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success


    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure

    End If

    End Sub

    The 'System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(Dts.Variables("User::FileName24HrOperationalPlan").Value.ToString)' is a comment but I used this to test the folder being returned. Shortly after located the issue was with my format string.


  • At you can find a Task named FileWatcher which will meet your specification.

  • yeah, you need to use "\\" instead of "\". and if you only needed to create this string you do not need a script task for it. you can do exactly the same from the connections properties Expressions.

  • The file watcher would work or you can use the foreach task. You can set the foreach task to look for a pattern (somefile_*.txt). If it finds something that meets the pattern you can store that filename and location in a variable to use as a connection string. We have a job that runs several times a day, if it finds a file it loads it. If there isn't one there then the foreach task doesn't execute the steps inside of it.

    Hope that helps.


  • Hello JD,

    I wonder if u can provide a little details of how we can add condition to the flow so that when I find a file, it executes the process. And when when I dont, it doesnt.... i installed the FileWatcher2005 package.



  • ngkahing (5/13/2009)

    Hello JD,

    I wonder if u can provide a little details of how we can add condition to the flow so that when I find a file, it executes the process. And when when I dont, it doesnt.... i installed the FileWatcher2005 package.



    Personally, I like the Foreach Loop container instead of the file watcher task because it works with multiple files. The process is pretty simple.

    1. You specify the folder to look at and a pattern for the file (i.e. *.txt) in the enumerator configuration

    2. Create variable mapping to hold the file name

    3. Inside the foreach loop put the execute task (it really could be any other type of task too) and configure it to do what you need the task to do.

    4. If you only want the process to file to fire once for each task, I would suggest moving the file to a different folder (or delete the file). You can use the file system task to accomplish this. One of the operations you can perform is move file.

    Throughout the day, I have a sql server job that essentially sweeps the folder looking for new files. If none are there, then no action is taken. We've got some additional controls in place should someone put any processed files back to the listening folder, but this should get you started.

    I use this as a best practice where I work. So far, we haven't run into any issues.


  • J.D. Gonzalez:

    Would be so kind as to supply an example of what you did to implement?


  • How can SSIS package know that, which file is newly arrived to extract the date from the particular path.

    Gr8 thanks

  • How can SSIS package know that, which file is newly arrived to extract the date from the particular path.

    Gr8 thanks

  • We use scheduler and run the process every 10 min to check for new files and move the processed files to another location so that everytime you get new files to read.

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