SSMS - Authenticate with alternate Domain credentials

  • In the SSMS, there are two ways to authenticate. The first is with current domain log in (passthrough authentication) and the other is SQL authentication. Is there a way to use a different Domain account to authenticate to the database engine from SSMS instead of passthrough? Basically I want to log in as another Domain account to test security.

    If there is how can I do this? What do I need to change?


  • You will not be able to directly log in using an alternate account unless you have that account's password and can log in to the network.

    However, there is a alternative. If you create a login that maps to that widows user in SQL server, you will then be able to use the "Execute as" to change your identity once you are logged in. See books on-line for more info about the Execute As.


  • If your SQL Server is on domain A and you authenticate to domain B on your workstation, you should be able to connect to the SQL Server if there is a trust relationship from A to B. You can then give your id (B\login) the appropriate access on A. You may need to contact your Network\Infrastucture group to set up the trust.


  • Start SQL Server Management Studio with an alternate set of credentials. There are two ways of doing this:

    1) Hold down the shift key and right-click on the icon. Choose the Run As option from the pop-up menu. When prompted for credentials, specify the alternate set.

    2) Use the runas command to execute sqlwb (the executable for SQL Server Management Studio), such as from Start | Run. For instance:

    runas /user:mydomain\myuser sqlwb

    As has been indicated, if the alternate set of credentials is in a different domain, check with your directory administrators to see if a trust is in place.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • That will only work if it can authenticate your remote domain login locally.

  • Thanks everyone for the replies. I simply wrote a vbscript that prompted for credentials (not safe but for testing it works) to connect via SQL Native Client to my servers to run a basic query. If it failed it failed. If it worked it worked. It's much faster than waiting for SSMS to start to test credentials.


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