SSMS Cannot remotely admin the server

  • OK I have read about it all over the net and even a couple of posts on this forum...I have looked over my settings and scenario and still cannot figure this out...

    I am in a domain account that is listed as a local administrator on the 2005 SQL server ( OS windows 2003)

    SQL 2005 SSMS installed on my desktop and when I click on a server to connect and use windows auth for the connection type I am connected just fine.

    I can expand everything just fine, run jobs, get no errors...

    I CANNOT for some reason initiate the stop and start of the server or the sql server agent...

    I CANNOT see the "status" of each service (Green arrow = running) vs. (Red X = stopped)...

    Can someone who has had this issue please give me any reference to what I am missing please?

    Is a network protocol supposed to be running? Different settings?

    Any references are appreciated.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that after I connect to a server and apparently wait for an extended period of time, greater than 15 minutes of waiting and with no intervention of my own the ability to remotely admin the server exists...I can see the little green and red indicators for each service and can actually stop and start them...

    But again, it is like 20 minutes after I start up SSMS and connect to the server vs. right away like what you would see in enterprise manager for 2000 and 7.0 servers...



  • Sounds like connectivity issues.

    If you remote to the server with this account, does a local SSMS install run better? Have you tried another workstation with your account to eliminate machine issues?

  • Steve Jones - Editor (4/27/2009)

    Sounds like connectivity issues.

    If you remote to the server with this account, does a local SSMS install run better? Have you tried another workstation with your account to eliminate machine issues?

    When I remote the server it works just like it should...things are lag or anything like that.

    As for the connectivity issues...I don't know how I can confirm or deny it is an issue from my laptop. I can install SSMS on another computer and certainly give it a try...

    I didn't think that was an issue initially as I can connect and do 98% of the normal stuff...I just cannot verify things are "technically" running or stop and start the server or agent.

    I will install SSMS on another computer and see the results and report back.

    On a side note, the client SSMS on my local client was only patched to SP1 so I am downloading SP3 to see if that might "help"

  • Hi Steve,

    I think you were right...something must have been borked on my laptop or at least I think it is...

    I went to a different server (only thing I had available) and installed the SSMS tools and was able to connect to a 2005 server in the appropriate manner. Everything responded right away, no lag...ect.

    So...I guess I will uninstall and reinstall the client on my machine and see if that helps...


  • I would look at WMI settings on the server and the laptop. SSMS uses WMI to connect to the server and to perform service start/stop etc...

    I have seen issues like this where WMI was not configured correctly, or WMI was actually hung on the server.

    Jeffrey Williams
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  • Jeffrey Williams (4/27/2009)

    I would look at WMI settings on the server and the laptop. SSMS uses WMI to connect to the server and to perform service start/stop etc...

    I have seen issues like this where WMI was not configured correctly, or WMI was actually hung on the server.

    I can re-create and also correct the problem but listen to this...

    I uninstalled SSMS 2005 from my laptop


    re-installed fresh SSMS 2005 workstation and connectivity tools

    Had the SAME exact registered servers were recognized from the previous for grins I removed all my registered servers...

    Went through all the menu options and set everything back to default and then tried again

    I connected to a random 2005 server and worked like it should...

    thinking I had fixed it I re-imported my registered servers list and tried it again... before...

    removed all my "previously" registered servers again and started over with ONE server...and again it works like it should.

    Not that I know why but it appears that after I loaded my "previously exported" registered servers list it stopped working...

    I am in the process of rebuilding the list of my registered servers and it appears to be working just far...

    Kind of irritating that I have a basic registered servers list broke out into folders for separation and it has nothing special as far as settings...just windows auth and default settings for each server.

    The second I delete all the previously registered servers, close and open SSMS and connect to a server it works great.

    Guess I will have to rebuild the list 🙂

    In the end at least I think I have the answer...even though when I opened up the registered servers file in textpad nothing looked off

    EDIT: also, in reference to the WMI settings...I am not familiar with how to review the "settings" if you had a basic method I would gladly review my side of things...

  • Lee,

    Thanks for the update, and that is strange. I wonder if there is something weird in the XML file that contains the configuration.

    Perhaps some weird connection string thing?

  • Steve Jones - Editor (4/27/2009)


    Thanks for the update, and that is strange. I wonder if there is something weird in the XML file that contains the configuration.

    Perhaps some weird connection string thing?

    I can try to post some of the xml file tomorrow...I am not the best at reading through them...

    I thought it was very wierd also...

    I had created the registered servers list some time ago, and when I changed out laptops I just ported the list...nothing fancy...

    I guess I had not noticed it until someone asked me to do something that required a restart of the service...

    Normally I remote the server...ect...for that type of work. This time I didn't and that is when I realized the little issue.

    When I am back in the office tomorrow morning I will re-review the file and see if there is anything goofy

  • Here is a sample of a file that would not function correctly when I imported it on a fresh re-install of SSMS 2005 SP3 on my laptop...

    I couldn't see anything specifically wrong with it...




































  • I've seen something like this before. What appears to happen is that SSMS works down the list of registered servers and if it comes to a server it can't contact nothing happens for several minutes. Eventually it moves on the the next server in the list.

    Check the Windows system event log on your client. You may find DCOM errors indicating the server which cannot be contacted. If this is the problem, just remove that one server from your registered servers list and things should start to work correctly again.

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