SSMS connections

  • We're still on SQL 2005, but our IT department does have one app using 2008 R2 that we can't seem to connect to remotely.

    Is it possible to connect to a SQL Server 2008 R2 instance using SQL 2005 or SQL 2008 management studio? I'm allowing for remote connections on the SQL Server in question, and can connect just fine locally, but cannot connect remotely. Since this is an internal server the Windows Firewall is turned off. TCP/IP and Named Pipes are enabled from the Configuration Manager.

    Thanks -


  • I haven't had any issue connection to SQL 2008 R2 using SSMS 2005 or 2008. However, the 2008 features are not available when using SSMS 2005 to connect.

    Why not install the 2008 R2 client tools which can manage 2000, 2005, 2008, and 2008 R2 instances?

  • You might need to check to ensure you have patched your SSMS toolset:

    Shawn Melton
    Twitter: @wsmelton
    Github: wsmelton

  • Upgrading does make sense, and it's on the agenda, but if there's no issue in using SSMS from SQL 2005 or 2008 (minus the missing features, of course), I'd like to try to figure out why I'm not connecting to the SQL Server 2008 R2 instance from my desktop.

    Tried both Windows and SQL authentication, with both my login and the sa login.

    I was unaware of this server until yesterday (yeah, sometimes they keep the DBA in the dark when they install new software that needs a database), so right now I'm trying to look at all the properties and configurations on the SQL Server to see that it was set up correctly, and haven't found any anomolies yet.


  • Is it possible that SQL was not setup on the default port of 1433? In that case, you would need to connect using <SERVERNAME>,<PORT#>

    Is it a named instance? Connect using <SERVERNAME>\<INSTANCENAME>

    Just tossing out ideas since you have ruled out a firewall issue.

    MeltonDBA (8/17/2010)

    You might need to check to ensure you have patched your SSMS toolset:

    Good call out. I failed to mention I was using SSMS 2005 SP3 in the previous post.

  • Turns out SQL Server Browser was disabled. Turned that on and made sure it was set to Automatic Startup and everything is fine. Thanks all for the input.

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