SSMS Data manipulation through views

  • I am looking for assistance in finding a difference bewteen EM and SSMS. We have a support process (albeit a poor one) that uses a view to allow data manipulation on a single base table. The table has a simple trigger that updates a timestamp in another table. The process works without error in EM but when I try to perform the same process on the same table using SSMS I get an error from VisualStudio.DataTools that states "The row value(s) updated or deleted either do not make the row unique or they alter multiple rows(2 rows)." I can update the record if I remove the trigger. The database resides on a SQL2000 server. Any help would be appreciated.

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  • Off the top of my head, I wouldc say you shouldn't use SQl2005 SSMS to manage SQl2000 databases. Time to use the move to SQL2005 to justify reviewing and improving that 'poor process' you mentioned

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