SSRS 2005 Report Subscription problem

  • Hi

    I have created some reports and would like them to be run and e-mail to key people in our organisation.

    I have therefore created a Subscription.


    If I just include the link in the e-mail, I receive the e-mail. However when I click on the link I get the following error:

    The type Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.ReportViewerTemporaryStorage, ReportingServicesWebUserInterface, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91 does not implement ITemporaryStorage or could not be found


    When I choose to include the report file (Excel format) in the e-mail I receive no e-mail and the Subscription fails with the following error:

    Failure sending mail: An error has occurred during report processing.

    Does anybody have any idea of what's going wrong here? ... apart from me of course. 🙂



  • I've never seen this problem before, but have you tried a few of the below troubleshooting steps:

    1. Create a "Hello World" report and try sending that as a subscription ? do not set to run from a snapshot or anything like that.

    2. What does the URL look like in your email ? and where does the error come from? Internet explorer? or email client? I have had problems with firefox and reporting services, are you using IE ?

    3. Can you export the report normally as excel without error?

    a url from one of my reports looks like:

    The report is accessible at the following address:


  • Hi

    My report works fine when I call it directly from http://<server>/reportserver. I can see the results and save them in an Excel file locally.

    When I get the e-mail with the link I get this:


    When I click on this link, the error I mentionned in my previous post is displayed in Internet Explorer.

    Does that help?



  • Ok , if report usually works ok, but fails with the link....

    I note you have some dates in the parameters you are passing, are these datetime datatype? always a good way to right royally fark things up when some subsystem decides to switch it between European and US conventions.

    If you remove the datetime parameters (or switch them to use a default) does it start working ok?

  • I'm ashame to admit it but ... even running the report normaly now fails with the same error.

    Let me check what changes I have made to get this far and get them working again.



  • 😛 heeheee ahh ever changing sands farkin up the troubleshooting!!

  • Hi

    Phew what a nightmare but I got everything working now.


    In IIS my default webserver page was not setup properly which prevented all the reports from being run successfully.


    For the scheduling to work, the database source connection must be set to "Credentials stored securely on the report server".

    You have to enter a Login Name and Password of your choice.


    Create a new login on the Database Server (the one accessed by the Data Source above) which match the Login/Password.

    Et Voila!

    I can now schedule my reports and include a link, an Excel file, ... all done!! :w00t:

    Thanks again for your help guys


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