SSRS 2005 Subreport Launching Question

  • I have a main report that requires two integer parameters; programID and modelID. Each program can contain many models, but a model can exist in only one program. Each model also contains many submodels. The main report displays data in a table and that data is grouped by submodel. I would like the subreport to display the detail data for the first submodel record when the main report is initially rendered and then redisplay data based on the users double-clicking the submodel cell in the main report table. Can this be done? 🙂

    I've futzed aound doing Google searches and trying things that seem close, but as yet, to no avail.

    Many thanks in advance!

    Best --Jim

  • You can't achieve that in SSRS unless you separate the two reports and have a drill-through report (your subreport), which shows details about the item that the report user has clicked on.

    But, you can use PerformancePoint, which offers the described functionality. There you can pass values between dashboard reports which can be dynamically refreshed.

  • Hi Jim,

    I think it can be acheived by calling the sub reports parameters from the main report...If the main report and sub reports depends on a common parameter (S), then I guess it can be acheived.



  • The closest you can probably go with SSRS is described here:

  • Hey guys--

    Thanks for the links and aadvice. I was able to find a way to do this, but it seems like a fairly large 'kludge' that we'll have to live with for a while. I ended up creating two identicle reports with the hyperlinks pointed to one another. A user can click on a field in the main report that launches the second report with all parameters filled, thus brining up the subreport with the proper child records. The second report links back to the first so the users can click another parent record, etc, etc.

    It would be a nifty enhancement to SSRS to be able to do something like this with one report instead of two! In general, I've become a fan of SSRS. The next couple of iterations of the product should be a lot of fun.

    Best --Jim

  • Welcome! Yes, it still lacks a bit of functionality but most things users ask for can be implemented in one way or another.

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