SSRS 2008 R2 and Windows 7 - Getting prompted for credentials

  • Kerberos is configured properly. 😉

    So here's what I have. A new Windows 7 build that's joined to our domain. the users old XP PC works perfectly fine, no prompts for credentials. The W7 new PC get's prompted for credentials everytime.

    Even my XP PC connects fine and when the user logs into any other XP PC it works fine. But W7 get's prompted.

    The IE check box labeled "Enable Integrated Windows Authentiaction" is checked. Unchecking this is really not an option.

    Personally *I* don't think it's kerberos because the "Data Source" is using embeded SQL credentials and that doesn't require Kerberos.

    I'm kind of stumped on this one, any ideas?

  • For what it's worth, here's the reportserver.config security segment...










    Does the order of these make a difference?



    Unchecking the IE setting "Enable Integrated Windows......" works but most of the reports we have require Kerberos. It's a pain in the but to have users chk and unchk that box everytime.

  • OK, figured it out.

    Here's the KB:

    Apparently when you do an inplace upgrade it still references the object "/images/blank.gif ".

    After beating this around for a while, a co-worker of mine decided to sniff the network and found this entry everytime it started to prompt....

    1148 11:05:07 AM 8/24/2011 9.3507625 iexplore.exe SMOEONETD32 HTTP HTTP:Request, GET /images/blank.gif , Using GSS-API Authorization {HTTP:18, TCP:17, IPv4:16}

    The GET /images/blank.gif was failing so IE immediately thought it was a permissions problem and prompted for "correct" credentials.

    You can actually just close the window and you can get to your reports but it keeps poping up because it kept the reference to that object from the old IIS configured SQL 2005 setup. :w00t:

    In other words, it was a messy upgrade.

    The ultimate resolution is to install SQL 2008 R2 SP1 because it includes the Hotfix as well as other messy things the upgrade missed.

    the even WEIRDER part is it only occured on Windows 7 PC's but never prompted for creds in XP!!!! Go figure. :hehe:

    So, now you know!!! 😀


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