ssrs 2008 r2 toolbox report item

  • I have obtained a 'line' report item from the toolbox in SSRS 2008 r2 by following the directions from the following url: This link is called 'Add and Modify a Line (Report Builder and SSRS)'.

    I placed the 'line' report item in extra rows I have setup between groups on the SSRS report. I have been able to change the color and width of the line by clicking on the line and working with its properties

    However, the line is 'jagged' and I want the line to be 'straight'. I have tried changing the endpoint values and that has not worked.

    **Note: I have even tried coming up with an extra row on the report in the 'group' section and making the row as narrow as possible. However, I think this line is too wide.

    Thus can you tell me how to make this line straight? If not this way, can you tell me how to 'draw the staight line.

  • Wendy,

    I tried to do the same thing you are trying to do, it seems to me that the line is automatically drew from the (top-left) through the (bottom-right) points of the textbox containing the line.

    My next attempt was with the extra row borders: (1) I merged all its cells; (2) on its first textbox I changed its borders to none; (3) its top border to solid; (4) its top border color to red; (5) its borders width to 1 pt; (6) the font size to 1 pt on the extra-row first textbox.

    It seems my second attempt is the way to do it. I was unable to upload a picture illustrating the settings.

    Hope this helps.

    Hope this helps,
    Rock from VbCity

  • Your solution worked great!

    However, now I am having trouble saving the color and width of the line you suggested I draw. I try to save the color and line width and what gets saved is the default line color and default line width.

    Thus can you tell me how to save the line width and color I select?

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