SSRS Chart X-Axis Labels & Data missing

  • Hi,

    I've seen this issue before and I'm aware of the standard solution but I think I have a new type of issue.

    Basically, I have a chart whereby some of the x-axis labels are missing, and am using SSRS in SQL Server 2014, standard deployment.

    The dataset "Display_Data" shows a simple output of 4 fields (Date, MonthLabel, VLCC, MR)

    All I am displaying on the line chart is MonthLabel on x-axis and VLCC and MR (these are 2 separate categories) display as 2 separate lines.

    I have "post-back" buttons in a table above the chart which allows me to use the "Action" property to jump to the same report (Globals!ReportName) and there are 2 buttons allowing 2 choices (either LTM or 5Y); basically 5Y brings back 5 years of data whilst LTM is last 12 months.

    So the dataset is calling a stored procedure and I pass the chart type and chart period as parameters.

    Problem is (and I've tried everything so far) the x-axis is not showing the full data set labels.

    So, if I select "LTM" it should show this: (don't worry about Feb as no data for 2016 Feb yet)

    M A M J J A S O N D J

    but it shows this only:

    M A J S O N D

    I have set the following options in Horizontal Axis Properties:

    Axis Options


    Axis Type: Category

    Side Margins: Auto

    Interval: 1

    Interval Type: Auto



    Enable Auto Fit

    Major Tick Marks


    Position: Outside

    Length: 1

    Set custom interval - interval: Auto

    Set custom interval - Interval Type: Default

    Minor Tick Marks



    For "5Y" the data set returns (this is since Jan 2011)

    J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J

    but the chart shows this only:

    J F M A S O N D

    Can you help?


  • ok, I fixed this and it's a bit of an annoyance in how SSRS renders charts.

    Turns out I have to have unique labels in the chart axis.

    So as soon as I replaced JFMAMJJASOND with Jan Feb Mar Apr ...etc then it works.

    It appeared to be grouping the x labels.

    For Year/Month axis for 5Y had to label as MMM YY, e.g. "Jan 11"

    Anyway, it works now.

    What a pain

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