Unable to hide the text box

  • Hello all I am writing the following condition to hide the textbox based on a condition but some how it is not working

    I am able to set the value

    =IIF(FormatDateTime(Parameters!LiveDt.Value,2) < FormatDateTime(Parameters!visitdt.Value,2), "True", "False")
    =FormatDateTime(Parameters!LiveDt.Value,2) < FormatDateTime(Parameters!visitdt.Value,2)

    I am able to see the text correctly based on condition but unable to hide it

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by  sqldevlearn.
  • You are using two parameters (presumably they have a date data type) and converting them to strings using FormatDateTime: in other words you aren't comparing dates, you are comparing text. Remove the FormatDateTime and just compare Parameters!LiveDt.Value and Parameters!visitdt.Value


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