SSRS - Embed an external website into a SSRS report

  • Hi All

    Does anyone have any code or even if its possible to embed a webpage into a SSRS report?

    Know it wasn't easily do able if at all in previous versions, but with the uplift to HTML5 for SSRS 2016 I thought there would be some support for custom code or iframes to be embedded within the RDL file.


  • I haven't seen SSRS past version 2012, so I don't know for sure, but I can't really imagine that such an idea is a good thing if the site is external to your company.  If it IS internal, then maybe, but I'm still not sure that kind of mixing of content makes sense.   If you really need data from that other page, AND it's an internal site, maybe the other site needs more information on it.   Hard to say without more detail on your scenario.  To the best of my recollection, I can't say I ever recall seeing an ability to do anything more than embed a hyperlink in an SSRS report.

  • Thanks Steve, that's all I've been able to do so far is build a <a href> tag into a hyperlink to link out to it.

    The site is internal, camera feeds from server room CCTV that will hopefully be embedded onto a monitoring SSRS dashboard so we have a one stop shop in effect to see everything in one place rather than switching between SSRS, CCTV and other sources.

  • Personally, if this is the case, I would embed the SSRS report and CCTV page into another web page. Then you can display both pages.

    I also don't know about SSRS 2016, but I haven't seen anything about page embedded in the little I've used it.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • - Friday, March 3, 2017 7:47 AM

    Thanks Steve, that's all I've been able to do so far is build a <a href> tag into a hyperlink to link out to it.

    The site is internal, camera feeds from server room CCTV that will hopefully be embedded onto a monitoring SSRS dashboard so we have a one stop shop in effect to see everything in one place rather than switching between SSRS, CCTV and other sources.

    I'd embed the SSRS report in an iFrame in the internal CAM site.   You've got a much better shot at that than the other way around.

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