SSRS - Rdl Deploy Issue - Custom Code

  • Hi,

    I have faced an issue while deploying the rdl to report server for my application. I have a report with two input parameter Start Date and End Date. I have created a custom code function for validating these two dates. i . e Start Date should be less than End Date. It ran successfully in my machine. (VS Designer) . But I could not able to run the rdl in report server. When i remove the custom code portion then it works fine in report server.

    I have tried in different report server. But issue is still exists. I didn't use any custom assembly. Just a custom code function.

    I have done the code in below link

    I have done the following steps

    1. I have created two input parameter as Start Date and End Date with Date time as data type

    2. I have created a custom function as ValidParams

    function ValidParams(byval startdate as datetime, byval enddate as datetime) as boolean

    Dim msg as String

    msg = ""

    If (StartDate > EndDate) Then

    msg="Start Date should not be later than End Date"

    End If

    If msg <> "" Then

    MsgBox(msg, 16, "Report Validation")

    Return True


    Return False

    End If

    end function

    3. I have created a new input parameter as IsValidParam with datatype as Boolean and Hidden is true. Set the default value as =code.ValidParams(Parameters!pFromDate.Value, Parameters!pToDate.Value)

    When I run the report in my machine , its working fine.

    But in report server, am getting an error like

    Error during processing of ‘IsValidParam’ report parameter. (rsReportParameterProcessingError)

    Can you help me to resolve it

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